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Home Associations Navigational assessment focus for issue 20 of The Navigator

Navigational assessment focus for issue 20 of The Navigator

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05.02.19 – The 20th issue of The Navigator focuses on the importance of a navigational assessment and why it is different from an audit. The milestone edition of the free publication from The Nautical Institute is published this month and available both in print and online.

Articles include a review of what happens during a navigational assessment by experienced assessor, Captain Mark Bull FNI, as well as a feature explaining why such assessments are so crucial from Captain Yves Vandenborn AFNI of The Standard Club. Serving OOW, Boris Petkov gives his personal experiences of undergoing an onboard assessment, while Dr Andy Norris FNI of the Royal Institute of Navigation examines why the method works best when it is a two-way process.

Emma Ward, Editor of The Navigator, said: “There is often much concern around the prospect of being assessed. We want to help people understand what is involved in a navigational assessment, why it is different from an audit, and how it can help improve performance, increase confidence and enhance safety for everyone involved.”

David Patraiko, Director of Projects for The Nautical Institute, added: “As professionals, we all want to be the best navigators we can be to ensure safety, environmental protection and the commercial success of our companies. One of the best ways of refining our skills is to be mentored by those who observe us and can offer suggestions for improvement.”

The Nautical Institute launched its ‘Navigator Distributor’ scheme in 2015, encouraging a wider, global distribution of the free, 12-page magazine to as many professional marine navigators as possible. Anyone interested in finding out how their organisation can take part in the scheme should visit www.nautinst.org/thenavigator, where there are also previous issues available to download.

The Navigator is produced by The Nautical Institute with support from the Royal Institute of Navigation. Sponsored by IFAN and Trinity House, it is available free in printed format or as a pdf, digital magazine or app via The Nautical Institute website. Printed copies are currently distributed alongside The Nautical Institute’s membership magazine, Seaways, as well as through missions and maritime training establishments.

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