HELMEPA’s Environmental exhibition in Tripolis comes to a close
The mobile Exhibition of HELMEPA titled “Marine Environment and Sciences” was hosted at the Apostolopouleio Cultural Center of Tripolis and operated under the auspices of the local Municipality between 19 and 28 March 2019.
In cooperation with the Educational Departments of Arkadia, HELMEPA transported to the Exhibition 780 students and 60 teachers of 17 Primary and 2 High Schools of Tripolis, Megalopolis, Ag. Andreas, Prastos, Tyrosapounakaikon, Leonidio, Tyros, Verveno, Vytina, Levidi and Paralio Astros. Also, the Exhibition was visited by 31 adult students and 3 escorting teachers of the ‘Second Chance’ (Life-long learning) School of Trípolis.
The main aim of the Exhibition, operating in the “heart” of Peloponnesus, in a mountainous region, was to show to the younger generations that by polluting the environment inland we also pollute the sea through rivers, run-off and the wind. Internationally recognized data displayed in the Exhibition surprised the kids, because marine pollution mainly originates from shore-based activities, even if these take place kilometres away!
During the presentation of this information to the students, HELMEPA’s staff stressed the current threat of plastics, which we thoughtlessly discard in the natural environment including the seas. HELMEPA also provided students with a new pocket guide, which suggests some simple tips to reduce single use plastics in our everyday lives.
According to results of the survey conducted by HELMEPA in Tripolis, it is satisfying to note that over 80% of students are environmentally aware and participate in voluntary activities and municipal recycling programs. The students’ parents are also worthy of congratulations, as 72% of them supply their children with a water flask instead of a plastic bottle and for their shopping they use either cloth bags, multipurpose plastic bags or shopping carts.
HELMEPA warmly thanks all those who contributed to the successful operation of the Exhibition, as well as Mr Sp. Vrentas, Deputy Mayor of Tripolis, Mr F. Gesouras, Director of Primary Education of Arcadia, Ms A. Zacharopoulou, Head of School Activities of Primary Education of Arcadia and all those who, despite the heavy rain, honored the closing ceremony at the 8th Primary School of Tripolis.