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Home Banking Complimentary access to GPI interactive databank

Complimentary access to GPI interactive databank

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Complimentary access to Global Public Investor interactive databank

OMFIF is offering access to the online, interactive databank that accompanies Global Public Investor. It includes the regional distribution of Global Public Investors (central banks, public pension funds and sovereign funds), ranking the top 750 GPIs by assets under management. Users can filter five years’ worth of data by institution type and region to chart changes in AUM and other trends.

Subscribers can access the databank from today by following the link below. AUM information collected in 2019 will be added to the databank on 12 June to coincide with the launch of Global Public Investor2019 in Singapore.

This comprehensive databank is a practical resource for the reserves management and research departments of all Global Public Investors and their counterparts in the asset management and banking community.

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