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Home ShipmanagementAccountancy BDO’s Annual Shipping Risk Survey

BDO’s Annual Shipping Risk Survey

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Michael Simms

BDO’s Annual Shipping Risk Survey

The merger of BDO UK and Moore Stephens LLP has extended our global reach and brought new expertise and resources to add to our insights into the shipping industry. We will continue our long standing association with the shipping industry and will carry on producing our annual shipping risk survey.

Enterprise risk management can significantly improve the quality of information within your business, and so increase the chances of success. But what are the key risks faced by organisations across the shipping industry and how have these risks changed in the last 12 months? How do other organisations rank the seriousness of these threats? What approaches does the sector adopt to dealing with risk?

We will be reporting on trends and effects since the last annual shipping risk survey, including the growing threat to IT cyber security within the shipping industry. If you assist us by answering our short questionnaire, then we will help you by providing you with the results, enabling you to see the bigger picture, and so helping you improve your own decision-making and risk management processes.

Click here to participate. The survey takes no more than five minutes to complete, and we guarantee you total anonymity if you wish. All input data is held securely, and used only to create averages and trends.

This survey has been sent to a selected range of key players in the shipping industry internationally. Your views are important. Please help us and so help yourself too.

Thank you

Michael Simms
Head of Shipping
BDO LLP, London, UK


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