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Home MarketsChartering The BDI surges further amid ultra-perplexed geopolitics

The BDI surges further amid ultra-perplexed geopolitics

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John Faraclas

The BDI surges further amid ultra-perplexed geopolitics

The BDI  (Baltic Dry Index) gained another 66 points and now stands at 2,130; Geopolitics are so perplexed with clever dicks doing everything possible to ruin Peace on Planet Ocean. John Faraclas’ daily recap:

Another boost from the Capes’ BCI with yet another triple-digit figure – 161 points plus and now it reads 4,256 points! Is it the Vale effect or what? 161 points… is something to count on!

The Panamaxes’ BPI gained 49 points and now stands at 2,134…

The Supras’ BSI clinched 25 points and now reads  953!

Five good points for the Handies’ BHSI now at 486

The Wets with mixed ; the last published BDTI (Dirties) and BCTI (Cleans) stood at 627 – plus four and 501 – minus 12 points respectively.

The WTI was down US$ 1.48 and now reads US$ 55.30

The Geopolitics as said in the preamble are dangerously perplexed and we advise restrain in all fronts. All “parameters” consisting life on Planet Ocean are on the wrong side of the equilibrium…

Still the MIGRANTS the no.1 issue particularly with the inability of the incompetent politicians and diplomats and their cronies as well as all the hooligans getting involved even for trafficking hence the latest arrests in the Greek Islands by the competent Greek authorities!! The EU is in total disarray with this issue and we provoke them for a live debate.  Wonder why we pay them when they cannot solve the MIGRANTS issues. SHAME to all.. Ah! Add the dubious work and involvement of many NGO’s and see what you get.

The faulty line from Gib to Afghanistan and from the Caucuses to the Horn of Africa continuous to give shocks; Catalonia seems quite but that’s not the case, Italy in financial disarray that if not properly tackle Italy will rock the Euro! The Balkans  – Kosovo, Albania first and foremost with North  Macedonia still trying to find internal stability…

Greece trying its best for a new beginning with the newly elected government of ND by Kyriakos Mitsotakis to change the …“status quo” of recession and poverty, unemployment and foreign policy… The Tripras led opposition must learn to shut up as the attacks on the newly elected government only morons do! The EU continues to fail on all counts on the Greek issue particularly safeguarding Greece’s and conversely the European Union’s sovereign rights given the Turkish violation of Greece’s airspace and territorial waters. Greece will live until 2060 under the “patronage” of  German-lead Brussels so Kyriakos Mitsotakis MUST do his utmost best ! SHAME; everything though can be appropriately overturned. Never forget this!

In Cyprus, the new Multi  Energy hub in Europe, things might get off hand if the European Union doesn’t give a robust response and cut the  communiques and all these nonsense – which the Turks love to see flying around and lough nothing will happen. Only with a military presence things can change as Turks cannot much the European Unions Naval Force… END of the Story!

Turkey as said in previous coverage has turned to be a full pariah state threatening Peace on Earth! Wonder what’s the remedy president Trump is gone to apply as well as the European Union… A bankrupt state can “retaliate” in the most unprecedented way. The S-400 and the F-35 are minor issues if one thinks that for 80 years (since 1939)  the Turks are calling a fast one on all of us…

No news from Syria where atrocities continue… Have they got rid of ISIS? when does the rebuilding of a Lunar-looking nation begins?

Caution with Iran; Iran can always strike in the most unprecedented way…

Russia has its own agenda on all the above…and watches in the “side lines”…

Some hiccups with USA’s president Trump vis-a-vis- people who thinks that if they don’t like America they can leave… CAUTION! the case with Ilhan Omar and the other three women Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, Ayanna Pressley should never happen again…

More news tomorrow…

On another tone and noted we attended a more than special event  in the Houses of Parliament earlier  on tonight; “BREXIT: what does the future hold” with the Rt Hon Dominic Grieve QC MP with the Conservative party for Beaconsfield and Louis Loizou, Chairman of the HBA in the United Kingdom at a full house in Committee Room 12. Never ever before we witnessed such a straight talk by a politician who amongst other titles and officios he has also served as Attorney General for England and Wales and Advocate General for Northern Ireland; more than eloquent and always to the point, very much down to earth and a strong advocate of pragmatism. Wish he could have taken over from Mrs. May… It’s worth studying his CV in Wikipedia!!!! Everybody is worried about Boris Johnson and a non-deal BREXIT! Caution… The other speaker too was simple with examples of how things might turn… In the Q&A – over 22 questions and respective responses, we expressed / tabled our view by a statement point of the importance above all, even higher than the financial services in the City, that of the Trade factor – including shipping and transport as well as the fact that London will continue to call the shots and nothing will change as the IMO is based in London and the Law of the Seas is in the English Language with Arbitration London, English Law to apply… Like it or not London is the administrative capital of Shipping and calls the shots!! We need though a deal to avoid shooting our feet… It will be a very complicated issue to leave without a deal. There is always the chance for a Brexit deal and one should never fear to negotiate – as the late US president John F. Kennedy once upon a time said: “Never Fear to negotiate”. We also said that somebody called a fast one on the UK and in particular to the British People, as in 2016’s Referendum people didn’t know why they were voting Leave… And then the Irish border come up … and Gibraltar… ah! And the Scots having other thoughts… Will a second Referendum be the appropriate thing to do but fully advising the British people as well those at the other side of the Channel of what to expect… The Greek Shipping Fraternity   in the United Kingdom was adequately represented with the president of the HESGB Dimitris Monioudis!

Congrats to the young Conservative Group for Europe and ONNED United Kingdom and in particular Ioannis Amoutzas, ONNED’s chairman and his team… It was a great event not just well attended, but also multi national and that counts a lot!! He left after a photocall as he had to appear at Newsnight were  he said that he  would fight to avoid drawing the Queen into the Brexit debacle and that  any government trying to force through a no-deal Brexit would be toppled…

Afterwards we continued the discussion on BREXIT down the road at the famous St. Stephens Tavern in Westminster with nice cold Rose wine; pleased to meet the new generation of Greeks, some of them from shipping and also as always what a small world that is we live in as I always discover during networking!!

Have a nice evening and remain on guard from actions emanating from Pirates, Terrorists, Criminals and Business hooligans whatsoever wherever you are on Planet Ocean!

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