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Dry Market recovers but uncertainty remains ante portas

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John Faraclas

Dry Market recovers but uncertainty remains ante portas

Despite todays contained closing the Dry and Wet Markets performed well this week with the BDI 88 points above the 2,000 point threshold at 2,088 and only the Cleans fell. Geopolitics still perplexed and worrying as too many things can happen in a very short period of time…. John Faraclas’ daily and weekly recaps:

The BDI (Baltic Dry Index) was up 41 points at 2,088 and 340 points since last week’s 1,748 points (9/8) – an enviable three digits rise.

The Capes’ BCI was up 59 at 3,826 points and on a weekly basis an exceptional 604 points!

The Panamaxes’ BPI gained 19 points and now reads 2,169 and on a weekly basis the BPI gained 271 – up from 1,898!

The Supras’ BSI performed well both on a daily as well as on a weekly basis. On a daily basis the BSI gained 48 points and now reads 1,118 points and on a weekly basis we had rich pickings at 970 – up 148 points!!

The Handies’ BHSI was up ten points at 560 and on a weekly basis 37 points plus – from 523!

The Wets with mixed feelings; the last published BDTI (Dirties) and BCTI (Cleans) stood at 646 – plus 15 and 453 – minus five points respectively; on a weekly basis the dirties gained 19 points – up from 627 and the cleans lost 35 – from 488 on the 9th of August.

The WTI was up 40 cents since yesterday and now reads US$ 54.87; on a weekly basis same was up 37 points – from 54.50…

Geopolitics remain more than perplexed  and recession is here to stay, so get your figures right before it’s too late.

The Migrants maintain the top position as an issue particularly in Europe. In Greece what a disgrace to have them move around with despicable “behaviour”,  say in the parks and mainly at the sea-side creating a very bad situation with incalculable repercussions; in Italy the Open Arms saga no wonder caused a mess and the country’s interior minister in our humble view was right; in the UK they sleep in the streets of central London in the most prominent places – Park Lane, Oxford Street, Regent Street with begging taking unimaginable dimensions – they (women) also try illegally to sell flowers and at times they are being cautioned… some others taken away and others questioned and arrested… Is this what Brussels likes to take place in the mighty continent? Turkey is the main “exporter” of Migrants, then the lawless North African coast with Libya leading the way and Europe and its islands get the mess of this despicable situation. As Salving said on the intervention of Richard Gere with respect the migrants on board the Spanish NGO’s vessel “Open Arms” for him to take them back in the USA – you all dead well know what was exchanged, you can all understand the importance of stopping the MIGRANTS coming mainly to Europe and the USA. In Europe, as we numerous time have written, ONLY a Naval Blockade with a Mandate and Rules of Engagement can alter the situation as well as huge penalties from the country that “allows” them to sail! Turkey has the power and the means to stop the Migrants in coming to the Greek Islands, mainland Greece – too many recent events and conversely to Europe, but Turkey plays the worse blackmail game; end of the story. It’s a pity though to see young children, babies and pregnant women suffer and being held “prisoners” on board ships; it’s a pity to witness hundreds to lose their lives in their effort to cross over from the Anatolian coast of Turkey and North Africa to Europe. In the USA president Trump has been explicit with his policy to stop the illegal entry to USA’s soil of Migrants and proceeds in safeguarding the USA’s territory.-

The faulty line from Gib to Afghanistan and from the Caucuses to the Horn of Africa continues to give …tsunamis… of all types: wars, economic and financial disorders, intrusions and violations of some counties EEZ’s from neighbouring counties such as the behaviour of Turkey versus Cyprus and Greece in the East Med whilst the apathy of the EU, NATO and the USA continues…

Turkey creates a despicable situation for all its neighbours; shame to all her backers…. Turkey provokes everybody in the region and also stir-up the Balkans… In Syria the Turks try not just to protect themselves from the Kurds, but to expand as much as possible they can their dominance in the region including of course Iraq… The Russians also play in two courts… The same applies for all others and the victims, as usual the public of all nations in the region continue to suffer! Iran too “contribute” to the mess there… Israel will not just stand there and watch; an Israeli “interference” is on the cards… Talking about Iran, let’s see what happens with the Strait of Hormuz’s issues there, the arrested vessel – the “Stena Impero” and its crew… as well as what will happen with the course the “Grace 1” takes after its release from Gibraltar. What the US government will do next? If Gib doesn’t re-arrest the vessels, what’s next? All in all let’s see were the USA vs. Iran confrontation will lead. It is for the safety of navigation to see measures taken in safeguarding the passage not only in the Strait of Hormuz but beyond that… Remind you the dire straits of Planet Ocean and their importance to Shipping and Trading…

Europe and in particular the European Union is in total mess; Brussels CANNOT perform. The recession begin to bite!! I guess that there is going to be a major mess, another trade war between the USA and Europe. President Trump is determined and able to do this, even to his European allies… Watch this space!

The Greek government, the newly elected Nea Democracy party, is trying its best with colossal issues to tackle, internal and external in a very heavily indebted environment… CAUTION!

The Balkans still the tinderbox of Europe with many predators…  CAUTION with Serbia over Kosovo, the greater Albanian issue as well as the stirring-up of the Balkans by Turkey using mainly its religious weapons… Turkey supported by Qatar’s money is trying to survive its deep down bankruptcy… Ultra-CAUTION should be observed…

BREXIT begins to bite everywhere; whether same will be a BREXIT with and orderly leave and agreement or a non-deal BREXIT it remains to be seen… The Schism though makes waves and one way or another a compromise of all “combatants” must be found for the benefit of all

The Trade War between the USA and China continues…

Not a nice situation between Japan and South Korea… CAUTION…

Still not a nice situation in South China Sea as well  as with the situ between China and Taiwan…

The Hong Kong melee is crucial and very dangerous and we await to see how Beijing will defuse the upturn there… CAUTION

North Korea and its backers continue the ballistic missile test and wonder what president Trumps response will be…

India and Pakistan MUST make or break. The existence of nukes in the arsenal of both countries is a danger for humanity…

Ah! Africa: in total mess there people trying to survive but its investments  that will make the African Continent come out of poverty which leads to Wars, Civil Wars and conversely to immigration that will save the day…

In Australia now were critics blame Australians – and rightly so, for undermining joint statement from the pacific island countries calling for stronger action on climate change…

Ah! Interesting to see the developments over president Trumps idea for the USA to purchase Greenland, the autonomous Danish region, Planet Ocean’s biggest island… It’s the second time though this idea comes to the mind of an American president! Watch this space too… The Danish are not to be taken for a joke… by the way USA’s late president Harry Truman made a similar proposal in 1946…

Have a nice evening and weekend and do please remain on guard from actions emanating from Pirates, Terrorists, Criminals and Business Hooligans whatsoever wherever you are on Planet Ocean.


Uploaded:  23:30 BST

Updated:    23:55 BST





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