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Home MarketsChartering The BDI@2,462: an inevitable fall amid Geopolitical chaos and odd demand…

The BDI@2,462: an inevitable fall amid Geopolitical chaos and odd demand…

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John Faraclas

The BDI@2,462: an inevitable fall amid Geopolitical chaos and odd demand…

It was plain sailing for the BDI (Baltic Dry Index), thanks mainly to the Capes’ surge, but the last two days and the continuous Panamax fall raises too many questions. The Geopolitical environment per our previous reporting smells of gunpowder; CAUTION. John Faraclas’ daily and weekly recaps:

The BDI lost 37 points earlier on today and now stands at 2,462; on a weekly basis though same was up 84 points – from 2,378 (30/8)

The Capes’ BCI lost the 5,000 point threshold losing 87 points and now reads 4,949 points. On a weekly basis though the BCI was up 482 – up from 4,467 (30/8)…

The Panamaxes’ BPI lost 18 points and now reads 2,216 and on a weekly basis the BPI was down 44 – from 2,260 (30/8) CAUTION!

The Supras’ BSI lost ten points and now reads 1,338 but on a weekly basis the BSI was up two points – up from 1,336 (30/8).

The Handies clinched on point with the BHSI now standing at 689. Same was up 24 points since last week’s 665…promising…

The Wets with mixed feelings for the day and week; the last published BDTI (Dirties) and BCTI (Cleans) stood at 683 – plus seven and 459 – minus five points respectively. The weekly picture pretty much the same with the Dirties up 27 points – from 656 and the cleans down nine – from 468 points respectively…

The WTI as these lines are being written reads US$56.66  up US$ 2.49 since last week’s US$ 55.10… CAUTION CAUTION CAUTION as we need to see the US$ 49.99! It will be manna from heaven for the poor 7.7 billion people on Planet Ocean…

The Geopolitics still governed by the despicable MIGRANTS issue, the Trade Wars – particularly the one between the USA and China, the Turkish stir up of an entire region Balkans / East med and part of the Middle East with the well-known Turkish blackmail and BREXIT’s latest twists and turns…

The MIGRANTS remain the top issue and that affects not just the European Union, but the USA too… Time to short this issue out before we witness the breakage of many nations social cohesion!!! Time to strip-down all NGOs!!! A must here and now; we had enough! As said in previous coverage we provoke the European leaders, particularly Mrs. Merkel to take her for a tour ourselves and saw her the harsh reality, not that that the Greek Authorities ”promoted” during the Tsipras SYRIZA days… Things are very different than what the world knows… Emanating from Chios make me responsible on this issue which we have adequate covered many times.

Turkey continues its pestering blackmail policy and soon this pariah state will become a liability for all its neighbours, the European Union and NATO. Besides its despicable demands Erdogan needs nuclear weapons alike Israel to defend itself – but from whom? A second nuclear unit might be built in Akkuyu, an area of yet another earthquake faulty line raising eyebrows from those knowing what might happen: a Fukushima times two! Works in  Its first nuclear plant continue without proper inspections, an action which will cause devastation in the future… Moreover Turkey continues not just to threaten the EU, but acts accordingly with an inhumane political plan to send at least another million MIGRANTS to the EU! It’s time to act otherwise excuses will not be taken into consideration. In Greece and in the EU over the last 48 hours there have been meetings to ensure the despicable action by Erdogan doesn’t take place…  Turkey MUST stop here and now all its despicable action in all fronts: in the Aegean, in the East Med, in the Balkans, in Cyprus, in Syria and Iraq. Violating the Aegean Greek and conversely European Union airspace as well as territorial waters might ignite a situation of an all-out war with unimaginable repercussions for all; Putin’s Russia will have a laugh… on all these and other mess spilling over to the point of even dividing NATO. CAUTION!

Next door Greece tries to meet the momentum following a messy governance from the lefty loony of Tsipras’ SYRIZA coalition with ANELs and the despicable stance by the Brussels. Obviously the blame is with the previous ND and PASOK regimes post the seven years rule by the colonels but Tsipras gave the hardest hit devastating the country with ousted members of his first government entering the Greek parliament and opposing his practices.  We hope the current centre-right government of ND does its best at all costs to reshape Greece before it is too late. Tomorrow the 84th Thessaloniki International Fair opens and let’s see what happens! Moreover we read on what might happen with the Hellenic Shipyards (Skaramanga yard) that the European Union wishes to close down. Some of the PASOK faithful culprits say that this is the wrath of the EU against the biggest shipyard in the Med with its two 500,000 and 250,000 dry docks and many other advantages that collude with north European  and other shipyards interests; envy at its best. The issue is that during the PASOK days the shipyards of Skaramanga begun to die, thanks to the lefty Unions and the European partners of Greece. Would love to entertain live and ridicule all these idiots who dare come out and accuse the Europeans whilst themselves created the mess for petty party ideological politics. Will also love to entertain some European officials too and explain what really happened with the famous infamous 7th European Directive! Who got the real and most subsidies is a common secret… Shame!

Two powerful Greek words “apply” for The Bahamas following Hurricane Dorian: Chaos and Catastrophe! With the official death toll to 42 – up from 20 and hundreds missing things get worse with an incalculable humanitarian crisis – yet another powerful Geek word! Grand Bahamas and Great Abaco are the two worst-hit islands. Having visited Bahamas due to the residency of my sister and knowing this oasis I feel completely lost and pray for better days to come or the Bahamian people. Bahamas is also a place wee the 15 percent of its population emanate from, mainly, the Dodecanese Islands, Greece!  Hurricane Dorian continues its distraction in the USA’s east coast, North Carolina being severely hit…

We will revert in the first update with more geopolitical news.

Meantime Planet Ocean is ready for the LISW2019; all eyes are focusing in London, the administrative capital of shipping….

Have a nice evening and weekend and remain on guard from actions emanating from Pirates, Terrorists, Criminals and Business Hooligans whatsoever wherever you are on Planet Ocean!

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