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Home MarketsChartering Another ace for the Handies amid the Dry-fall and perplexed Geopolitics during LISW2019 continuous success

Another ace for the Handies amid the Dry-fall and perplexed Geopolitics during LISW2019 continuous success

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John Faraclas

Another ace for the Handies amid the Dry-fall and perplexed Geopolitics during LISW2019 continuous success

The BDI (Baltic Dry Index) lost 27 points and now reads 2,366… Geopolitics messy as ever (will revert with a detailed account as the MIGANTS, the Trade Wars and BREXIT create more twists and turns) and LISW2019 make waves! John Faraclas’ midweek recap:

The Capes’ BCI was down 68 points at 4,726

The Panamaxes’ BPI lost 17 points and now stands at 2,144…

The Supras’ BSI lost eight points and now reads 1,311 points…  and

The Handies’ BHSI had another ace in a row – up one ay 692 points!

The WTI was down to US$ 55.75…

A full house on many important issues!

Geopolitics remain perplexed with the same issues botheing Planet Ocean: CAUTION!

The LISW2019 is the event of events; we managed to attend three events today; one at the auditorium of ReedSmith at the top of Broadgate Tower overlooking London and in particular the Square Mile with a very powerful panel and a great networking lunch – more details later on…

The second one was one of the many events on Women organised by Shipmanagement International at Thomas Miller’s premise – a great job done by moderator Sean Moloney and his team having some of the most intelligent women on Planet Ocean for a very delicate discussion: Empowering women!

The Round table on Empowering Women

All points well said and elaborated by all 12 women at the round table discussion with Irene Rosberg from the CBS and its famous Blue MBA with short but to the point pragmatic statements, Mariella Bottiglieri once again on a great day, Yvette du Preeze a shipbroker with powerful statements and ABS’ Cathy Mann with her great HR and PR experience. Cyprus’ Shipping Minister Natasa Pilides contributed too with WISTA International president Despina Panayiotou – Theodosiou remarks on many family / seafaring related issues worth to listen. A short video follows with Natasa Pilides views on a couple of questions we asked her.

The five-member of expert speakers panel

The last event at the BDO amphitheatre at the 150 Aldersgate Street HQ’s was unique on “International Shipping Finance: where is the money coming from?”. A full house with many shipbrokers and financiers as well as academics including Jeffrey Blum!

Prof. Nikos Nomikos, Dipak Karki, Nikos Benetis, Nicholas M. Petrakakos and Mark Williams delivered excellent presentations but equally the audience countered with excellent questions amongst them that of the president of the HESGB Dimitris N. Monioudis: “Many unfamiliar with shipping, seem to forget that ships/owners are simply the taxi/driver and it is up to the individual customer (i.e. charterer) to control the “Energy Efficiency” of the vessel by deciding at what speed/how much cargo and to which destination the vessel should proceed to?”

Dimitris N. Monioudis asking his super question

 And “Are the Poseidon Principles therefore just a “wooly” measure taken by banks in order to placate environmentalists and the general public instead of actually rewarding ship designs/owners that invest in actual energy efficiency measures by offering more competitive financing/interest rates?”

His  question was related to the Poseidon Principles agreed by some of the Western Banks : https://www.poseidonprinciples.org/#home

Will revert soon with a recap on the presentations when same are available. A lively networking followed with excellent dips and drinks!

That’s all for tonight, have a nice evening and remain on guard from actions emanating by Pirates, Terrorists, Criminals and Business Hooligans whatsoever wherever you are on Planet Ocean.




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