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Home MarketsChartering Daily and Weekly Market falls amid a Geopolitical tempest ante portas

Daily and Weekly Market falls amid a Geopolitical tempest ante portas

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John Faraclas

Daily and Weekly Market falls amid a Geopolitical tempest ante portas

The BDI (Baltic Dry Index) fell 19 points and now stands at 2,312; it also fell on a weekly basis 150 points (from 2,462 on the 6th of September). Geopolitics messy but will deteriorate further and what a finale that was for LISW2019! John Faraclas daily and weekly markets and Geopolitics briefing:

The Markets, both Dry and Wets following an upwards surge which surpassed the end of 2013 figure (2,247), proved unsustainable…

The Capes lost 65 points on a daily basis and 402 on the weekly one respectively and now the BCI reads 4,547 (from 4,949 last week)…

The Panamaxes’ BPI was, surprise surprise, up four points at 2,133 but down 83 on a weekly basis – from 2,216!

The 1,300 points threshold was lost for the Supras’ BSI now at 1,299 – minus six. The weekly losses were 39 points – from 1,388 points…

No change for the Handies’ BHSI “stuck” at 691 points and the only size to be on the plus on weekly basis – up 2 from 689 on 6th of September.

The Wets once again with mixed feelings; the last published BDTI (Dirties) and BCTI (Cleans) stood at 708 – plus two and 450 – minus two points respectively. Same more or less picture with the weekly figures; the Dirties up 15 from 683 and the Cleans down nine points from 459…

The WTI was down at US$ 54.85 and down US$ 1.67 from last week’s closing at US$ 56.52… My sinking feeling tells me to expect turbulences…

The Geopolitical aspects continue to produce more perplexed situations. Thanks to the LISW2019 our main worries for humanity were aired as well as we managed to get two questions during yesterday’s -Thursday 12 September, Conference were high level government and shipping industry speakers from all over Planet Ocean told us their views, opinions, arguments and challenges… Very pleased that we heard the issue of MIGRANTS, Terrorism and Energy/Environment, issues we refer to our daily reports and we received favourable answers/understanding and opposing views as some still haven’t realised we are at War!

In front of Matthew Draper’s “Momentum, Jurassic Coast V”; pastel on paper.


The finale of this biennial international shipping week in Planet Ocean’s administrative capital of Shipping ended with four events and we managed to attend two of two exceptional ones; at the Baltic the  Marine Art Exhibition from 9-12:00 an exciting morning there at the Members Bar and King George the V auditorium at the first floor with Matthew Draper, the winner of the Baltic Exchange Award at the Royal Society of Marine Exhibition. The Royal Society had an opening evening on the 9th of October at the Mall Galleries, The Mall in SW1, a private view not to be missed. We at www.allaboutshipping.co.uk greatly support the Arts and in particular Painting, Photography and Sculpture with over 300 articles and reports… Just imagine for example what is needed to commission 2,000 (twothousand) paintings on each room of a cruise vessel… so you can see our interest and reporting!

At 13:30 we arrived with friends from LISC, the GSCC and others at the Docklands Watersports & Sailing Centre at Westferry Road at the Isle of Dogs for the OSCAR Campaign Dragon Race 2019 organised by Spinnaker Global. That was the 6th Annual Race, another exceptional achievement by Spinnaker’s Phil Parry and his team who managed to raise over £ 2 mio for the GOSH (Great Ormond Street Hospital) Charity. LISCR didn’t make it to the final by a whisker…  Borealis won at the end having some favourable and cleverly win points during the previous aces, particularly ….the semi-final one! Every last …second effort counts!  40 percent of the athletes were women! Well done!!!!

The LISCR boat

WISTAs were well represented and Teresa Peacock was flying the flag; spotted Charlotte Kirk from ITIC too! All in all 27 (twentyseven)  boats took part to the race – five more since last year! Good to see our friend and journalist Edwin Lampert  with Lilian and Katrina Brooks presenting “The Adventures of Brunhilfer and Brunfin”, The Flood a very interesting little book for youngsters; all proceeds goes to charity!

A great BBQ with plenty of cold drinks and intense networking under the sun, a great day despite being Friday 13th! 35 percent of the participants and friends were spotted at the LISW2019 events!!  What a turn-out and ten percent beings Greeks! …and a small world too!

Phil Parry flanked by Edwin Lampert and John Faraclas

Turkey continues to pester all in the region and trying for another approach the US president – wonder what president Erdogan is up too… Something very sinister is going on and its best all dealing with him try to find out his real appetite!  Let’s see what will come out from the forthcoming meeting with Russians and Iranians on Syria… Meantime brace in case he goes loose and let at least one million MIGRANTS come to the Greek Islands and then on to Europe! His appetite for energy brought him back as an intruder in Cyprus EEZ with drill ships and frigates…

Greece next door and Cyprus are closely watching as all others NATO, EU and other East Med nations saw apathy… CAUTION!!!

BREXIT still in a mess; nobody knows what to expect and many revelations can be heard and will be heard… The Irish borders and other technicalities bother all.  Watch this space!

At the other side of the Atlantic USA’s president Trump has to tackle too many internal and external delicate issues… His ratings are good but let’s see what and how he tackles colossal issues, particularly abroad… Afghanistan, North Korea, the Chinese Trade…

Chaos still in the Bahamas; that was too much of hurricanes attacking this small and beautiful islands nation!

That’s all for tonight, have a nice weekend and continue to remain on guard from actions emanating from Pirates, Terrorists, Criminals and Business Hooligans whatsoever wherever you are on Planet Ocean…

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