OCIMF issues update of key assessment guide for floating oil facilities
23 September 2019 – OCIMF today publishes the second edition of its Guidelines on the Marine Assessment of F(P)SOs.
The publication is a complete framework for assessing the marine sections of Floating (Production) Storage and Offloading (F(P)SO) facilities against international legislation and industry best practice. It can also supplement any other internal assessments an F(P)SO operating company might carry out as part of its auditing process.
The main body of the publication consists of 12 questionnaires and the relevant guidance, each covering a different part of F(P)SO. These include marine interfaces and how they relate to areas such as topside production, turret mooring, subsea systems, hydrocarbon offtake systems, pilots, support craft operators and local authorities. Four appendices look at the documents that support the assessment process.
“This new edition of a key OCIMF publication addresses the full range of marine activities associated with F(P)SO operations,” says OCIMF Director Rob Drysdale.
“It is a thorough, self-contained and user-friendly piece of guidance that can help assessors judge how far an operation complies with the appropriate legislation and accepted best practice. As always, the ultimate objective is to help ensure the safe, effective and efficient operation of these vital facilities.”
Guidelines on the Marine Assessment of F(P)SOs is part of a wide body of guidance and practice codes concerned with identifying, assessing and controlling the risks associated with F(P)SO operations. OCIMF’s International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and Terminals (ISGOTT) remains the key reference, while other organisations such as Oil & Gas UK provide further recommendations. Some F(P)SO facilities may operate under national guidelines that take precedence.