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The BDI falls in Fall …but

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John Faraclas

The BDI falls in Fall …but

The BDI’s fall continued in this peculiar season-wise Fall but wait… The 23 points lost brought down the main index to 2,108 points… but not to worry! Geopolitics might become challenging with the challenges that Climate Change and issues brought up at the UN a few hours ago making the World go round. John Faraclas’ brief daily recap:

The volatile Capes’ BCI lost 49 points and now stands at 3,903…

The Panamaxes’ BPI was down 35 points at 1,978 losing the 2,000 point threshold…

The Supras and Handies with minor losses; the BSI was down two points at 1,298 and the BHSI remained at 692 – a … bastion figure so to speak…

The Wets slightly up; the last published BDTI (Dirties) and BCTI (Cleans) stood at 833 – plus five and 458 – plus seven point respectively.

The WTI was up 55 cents at US$ 58.64… still a prohibited figure for the masses.

Geopolitically-wise all eyes are for many issues staring the UN deliberations with Climate Change and Climate preservation for the Environment, the Migrants, Iran’s behaviour, the Eastern Med – Middle East mess and coming Armageddon, the Trade Wars and secondary looking how to improve the lives of one billion African people…

On the UN outburst by Greta Thunberg accusing that world leaders failed to protect us on Climate Change too many issues arise. If she ever gets to see the general hype and the hype in Shipping for the 2020 and all that jazz  and when disorder will rule the waves next year in hte high seas, then possibly leaders might change… Not to ignore young activists for many reasons and not to ignore the apathy and treason of World leaders on the entire Environmental issue…

We advise CAUTION in all the above fronts – and others such as North Korea, Venezuela to name but a few.

What a night that was!

On another tone and note what a success that was last  Saturday night at the 20th Anniversary of the Chios Marine Club at the Prive sector of the Golf Prive Glyfada Club in south Athens…

Good to see many compatriots, friends and supporters of allaboutshipping.co.uk as well as many international shipping specialists there. Well done to the CMC secretariat for having over 300 (threehundred) members and guests as well as over 60 (sixty) suppotes/sponsorrs!

Chios Rules the waves and today controls 5 plus (five) centum of Planet Ocean’s fleet with many listed companies in NYSE, NASDAQ and other bourses as well as a great sense on the protection of the environment.

CMC president George Tsouris with Notis Mitarakis, his wife and CMC secretary Capt Antonis Pitsilos – pic credits George Christakis

A very touching pamphlet not only having the sponsors and supporters but also a reminder of what this island suffered during its destruction by the Ottoman Turks in 1822 prompting Eugene Delacroix to depict same in his famous painting the “Massacre of Chios”… The back cover of the event’s pamphlet had in full the poem of George Drosinis “Beautiful Island” written in 1927, a worthy reminder and an important poem for the World to read and understand what the Chiots and other Greeks suffered and today are also suffering by being pestered by ErdoganTurks. Watch this space!

Costis Frangoulis (right) giving a commemorative plaque to Manolis Balis, one of the CMC’s founding members

FRANMAN’s Costis Frangoulis, who also attended the CMC, collected 163 votes at the Propeller Club of the USA Port of Piraeus elections and we all await to see his new presidium team. Three women that stood were also elected; excellent as the new team looks promising and we hope it will further enhance George Xyradakis’ legacy as well as that of previous presidents  and governors!






Have a nice evening and remain on guard from actions emanating from Pirates, Terrorists, Criminals and Business Hooligans whatsoever wherever you are on Planet Ocean.

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