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Hot Port News from GAC




South Africa

Ras Laffan & Mesaieed, Qatar

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Mombasa, Kenya

United Kingdom

South Africa

United Kingdom


Felixstowe, United Kingdom



Port Klang, Malaysia

Tally services & charges
Thursday, February 13, 2020, Tanzania

From 17 February 2020, the tally of charges at Tanzanian ports will be carried out by the Tanzania Shipping Agencies Corporation (TASAC).

The TASAC Tariff, which has been gazetted, is as follows:


Container Loading & Uploading
Unit: TEU
Fee: 4 (on account of shipping line)

Container Loading & Uploading
Unit: FEU
Fee: 4 (on account of shipping line)

Container De-stuffing & Stuffing
Unit: TEU
Fee: 7 (on account of shipping line (LCL) and shipper/consignee (FCL))

Container De-stuffing & Stuffing
Unit: FEU
Fee: 8 (on account of shipping line (LCL) and shipper/consignee (FCL))

Empty Container – Export/Import
Unit: TEU
Fee: 1 (on account of shipping line)

Empty Container – Export/Import
Unit: FEU
Fee: 1 (on account of shipping line)

Break bulk Loading/Unloading
Unit: MT
Fee: 0.4 (on account of ship owner)

Dry bulk Loading/Unloading
Unit: MT
Fee: 0.4 (on account of ship owner)

Edible oil in bulk and other bulk liquids other than petroleum products
Unit: MT
Fee: 0.18 (on account of ship owner)

Vehicles Loading/Unloading
Unit: Unit
Fee: 1 (on account of shipping line)
For information about operations in Tanzania, and elsewhere in Africa, contact GAC Hub Services at hub.ae@gac.com

Statement of crew health
Thursday, February 13, 2020, Iraq

Masters of vessels that have called at a Chinese port within the last 30 days before arriving in Iraq are requested to provide a statement 3 days before arriving in Iraqi territorial waters that crew onboard do not have any symptoms of corona virus (high temperature, sore throat, coughing or breathing difficulties).

If any such symptoms are noted, the Master should inform port authority prior to arrival and await further instructions.

For information about operations in Iraq, contact GAC Iraq at iraq@gac.com

Procedures for Coronavirus outbreak
Thursday, February 13, 2020, South Africa

South Africa’s Department of Health has issued detailed Standard Operating Procedures to prepare for, detect and respond to a possible Coronavirus outbreak in the country.

The document is designed to inform provincial preparedness plans and references national guidelines on epidemic preparedness and response (http://www.health.gov.za/index.php/primaryhealthcare/category/154-communicable-diseases?download=438:National%20Guidelines%20on%20Epidemic%20Preparedness%20and%20Response).

It is strongly recommended that the process flow for the detection and response of 2019-nCoV and the roles and responsibilities of different stakeholders in the document are used in conjunction with National Guidelines on Epidemic Preparedness and Response (2010). All provinces should develop province-specific standard operating procedures for preparedness, detection and response which would include province-specific adaptation of the process flow depicted in the document.

South Africa has released case definitions and precautionary measures for 2019-nCoV which can be found on: http://www.nicd.ac.za/novel-coronavirus-outbreak-in-wuhan-city-hubei-province-of-china/

For further details and updates, as well as information about operations in South Africa, contact GAC South Africa at shipping.capetown@gac.com

Update of Coronavirus measures (13 February)
Thursday, February 13, 2020, Ras Laffan & Mesaieed, Qatar

At Ras Laffan & Mesaieed port, Maritime Declaration of Health (MDH) and Coronavirus declarations are required from all calling vessels. The MDH normally needs to be submitted to regulation dept 72 hours prior to arrival, but in addition, the Master must also update and resubmit the MDH 24 hours prior to berthing.

If a vessel is arriving directly from China or has called in China, the quarantine period commences upon its departure from China. Ras Laffan port regulation will review the departure date from China and berth if the vessel has completed 15 days of quarantine period before calling Qatar.

If any crew onboard is suspected to have Corona Virus, the Ministry of Health will attend the vessel for inspection, and the pilot will board once the Ministry of Health approves.

Off signers from foreign vessels should attend screening inside the port.

On signers will screen at Hamad International airport only.

Qatar Gas medical department is giving training for surveyors, loading master & agents attending tankers and LNG vessels at Ras Laffan.

For further details and updates, as well as information about operations in Qatar, contact GAC Qatar at qatar@gac.com

Submission of Maritime Declaration of Health
Thursday, February 13, 2020, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

ADNOC Petroleum Ports Authority advises that all arriving vessels must complete in advance the Maritime Declaration of Health form thoroughly and accurately, and confirm that all crew members onboard are in a good health.

Any concerns regarding crew members’ health must be reported immediately to the Petroleum Ports Authority.

For further details and updates, as well as information about operations in Abu Dhabi, contact GAC Abu Dhabi at abudhabi@gac.com

Port preparedness for Novel Coronavirus
Thursday, February 13, 2020, Mombasa, Kenya

Kenya Ports Authority and the Port Health Office have drawn up measures related to vessels that have visited China in the last 14 days and crew who have travelled to China in the past 14 days, at Mombasa port.

All vessels arriving from China must fill the Maritime Declaration of Health form stating the health status of the crew. In addition, they should send in advance the crew list and voyage memo for the purpose of getting details of the crew and movement of the vessel for the last 14 days respectively and a valid ship control/exemption certificate.

Any vessel with crew showing signs and symptoms including respiratory symptoms, fever, cough or shortness of breath (difficulty breathing) should be reported in advance by the Master of the vessel so as to make prior arrangement to board the vessel for screening at high seas before the vessel is allowed into the port.

Vessels from other areas and where the Master has not reported any form of illness on board shall not be subject to screening.

The four vessel documents
– Maritime Declaration of Health form
– Crew list
– Voyage memo
– Valid ship control/exemption certificate
should be submitted to the Port Health office – Kilindi Sea port, Mombasa, via email phealthkil@yahoo.com

For information and updates about operations in Kenya, contact GAC Hub Services at hub.ae@gac.com

Actions in response to 2019 n-CoV
Thursday, February 13, 2020, United Kingdom

Ports around the United Kingdom have provided information about action being taken/to be taken related to the novel Coronavirus (2019 n-CoV).

While awaiting UK-specific guidance for seaports from Public Health England, there is interim advice from the EU Healthy Gateways for the preparedness and response to cases of novel Coronavirus (2019 n-CoV) infection at points of entry in the EU /EEA Member States, including advice for aircraft and ship operators. This can be accessed online at https://www.healthygateways.eu/Portals/0/plcdocs/EU_HEALTHY_GATEWAYS_Wuhan_Outbreak_Advice_Part_AB_27_1_2020.pdf?ver=2020-01-30-092937-163

Generally “business and usual” with an additional focus on personal hygiene.
Health Protection Scotland has produced a poster with information and advice on the virus and its key symptoms, to be shared on site and within port offices. The NHS advised you can reduce the risk of getting/spreading respiratory infections by:
– Good hand hygiene, including washing your hands with soap after coughing, sneezing or going to the toilet, and prior to eating and drinking.
– Covering your nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing with disposable tissues and disposing of them in nearest bin after use.
– Avoiding contact with people that have a respiratory illness, and avoid using their personal items such as their mobile phone.
– Avoiding direct hand contact with your eyes, nose and mouth.
– Additional information and advice on the virus can be found on the NHS Inform Page. https://www.hps.scot.nhs.uk/news/deta

See EU Healthy Gateways pdf.

Maritime Declaration of Health to be submitted prior to arrival.

Crew arriving on vessels from affected areas should familiarise themselves with the symptoms and be reminded of the requirement to notify Port Health of any cases or symptoms of infectious disease aboard, before they arrive into port. If cases are suspected, an electronic Maritime Declaration of Health should be submitted to port.health@nelincs.gov.uk without delay.

All expected arrivals within the Humber Ports are legally required to submit a Maritime Declaration of Health (MDH) to the Authority within a maximum of 12 hours and minimum of four hours before arrival to port if any crew and/or passengers report symptoms of infectious illness.
The Health Authority operates a 24 hour standby service to enable Masters and/or their agents to notify cases of illness on board. This can be accessed by dialling 0044 1482 324776 and following the instructions to contact the duty officer. Electronic submission of MDHs can be sent to admin@hullandgoolepha.gov.uk and will be received during normal office hours (Monday- Friday 8.30-16.30).

Maritime Declaration of Health to be submitted prior to arrival

All ships arriving at Milford Haven/Pembroke/Fishguard which have recently visited China or have crew/passengers who have visited China within the past 14 days are to provide a fully completed Maritime Declaration of Health to Port Health prior to arrival. Ship’s Captains have a duty to notify Port Health at least 4 hours prior to arrival if they have any health risk conditions on board. This would include any death/fever/ health issue which could be deemed to be infectious.

Maritime Declaration of Health to be submitted prior to arrival

Both Bristol and Cardiff want a statement from the master confirming ‘that no crew has arrived from Wuhan or Hubei area or have been in contact with a confirmed case of Coronavirus.’ They also require a copy of the IMO Health Declaration.

Maritime Declaration of Health to be submitted prior to arrival.

Vessel’s agent to send a copy of the Public Health England poster to the vessel prior to arrival and enquire whether anyone on board has been to China in the previous 14 days. If the Master reports back that anyone has been to China, agent should contact NHS 111 and Port Health for advice and advise all the other organisations involved in the vessel’s visit (Tees VTS, pilots, terminal, surveyors, welfare organisations, etc.).

Port Authority have asked that all vessels clarify the following:
1. Has anyone on board been to China in the previous 14 days.
2. Has anyone on board exhibited symptoms similar to the attached guidance.

For further details and updates, or information about operations in the United Kingdom, contact GAC UK at uk@gac.com

Quarantining of vessels arriving from China
Thursday, February 13, 2020, South Africa

South Africa’s Department of Health has instructed ports that free pratique must not be withheld for vessels arriving from China, outside of the incubation period for 2019 n-CoV, if the Master declares on the pratique application that the vessel is healthy.

Applications for free pratique submitted to port health must be thoroughly interrogated and any information relating to crew changes must be noted and the following taken into account:
– Date the crew change too place
– Where the crew change took place
– Country from where the crew member departed, and date, in order to give effect to the crew change.

This information will inform Port Health whether all crew on board the conveyance is outside of the 14-day incubation period for 2019 n-CoV, should any crew member have departed from China for the crew change.

The above is in immediate effect.

For information about operations in South Africa contact GAC South Africa at shipping.capetown@gac.com

Plan to freeze light dues
Friday, February 14, 2020, United Kingdom

In a written statement to Parliament this week, the UK’s Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at the Department for Transport Nusrat Ghani stated her intention to freeze light dues rates, which support the work of the General Lighthouse Authorities, at 37½ pence per net registered tonne for 2020 and 2021.

Light dues rates will continue to be reviewed on an annual basis to ensure that the General Lighthouse Authorities are challenged to provide an effective and efficient service which offers value for money to light dues payers.

For information about operations in the UK, contact GAC UK at uk@gac.com

Dredging off Banyan Basin
Friday, February 14, 2020, Singapore

From 1 March to 01 April, dredging works will be carried out in Banyan Basin.

According to the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore Port Marine Notice No.007 of 2020, the works will be conducted 24 hours daily – including Sundays & Public Holidays – within the working area bounded by the following co-ordinates (WGS 84 Datum):

1) 01 deg. 14·775’N / 103 deg. 41·393’E
2) 01 deg. 14·785’N / 103 deg. 41·428’E
3) 01 deg. 14·707’N / 103 deg. 41·450’E
4) 01 deg. 14·697’N / 103 deg. 41·416’E
5) 01 deg. 14·920’N / 103 deg. 41·352’E
6) 01 deg. 14·928’N / 103 deg. 41·377’E
7) 01 deg. 14·784’N / 103 deg. 41·418’E
8) 01 deg. 14·777’N / 103 deg. 41·393’E

Dredging works will be carried out by crane barges & dredger, which will be held in position by anchors. Anchors will be marked by anchor buoys with flashing lights.

Dredged materials will be transported to the designated dumping ground by barges, which will be assisted by tug boats.

During the operation, the dredgers and barges will be attended by tug boats which will also be used to shift the dredgers and hopper barges, when required to clear the work area.

Safety boats will be deployed to warn other craft in the vicinity of the working area.

Craft involved in the works will exhibit the appropriate local and international day and night signals.

When in the vicinity of the working area, mariners are reminded to:
a) Keep well clear and to enter the work area;
b) Maintain a proper lookout;
c) Proceed at a safe speed and navigate with caution;
d) Maintain a listening watch on VHF Channel 68 (Sinki Control);
e) Communicate with Sinki Control on VHF Channel 68 for assistance, if required.

For information about operations in Singapore, contact GAC Singapore at singapore@gac.com

Possible shoreside stoppage due to storm
Friday, February 14, 2020, Felixstowe, United Kingdom

After being closed from Sunday to Tuesday due to foul weather, Felixstowe Container Terminal is bracing for Storm Dennis this weekend with a possible shoreside stoppage from 0600 hours on Saturday 15 February to 1800 hours on Monday 17 February.

For the latest updates and information about operations in the United Kingdom contact GAC UK at uk@gac.com

Extension of travel ban
Friday, February 14, 2020, Australia

Australia’s National Security Committee of Cabinet has agreed to extend the entry restrictions on foreign nationals who have recently been in mainland China for a further week from 15 February. The restrictions will be reviewed by the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC) in one week.

The continuation of the travel restrictions means that for a further week, foreign nationals – excluding permanent residents – who have been in mainland China will not be allowed to enter Australia for 14 days from the time they left.

As before, Australian citizens and permanent residents will still be able to enter, as will their immediate family members (spouses, legal guardians and dependants only).

Australian citizens, permanent residents and their families who have been in mainland China from 1 February 2020, and who return Australia, will continue to be required to self-isolate for 14 days from the time they left mainland China.

Border measures to screen passengers on flights and vessels from mainland China and for people who have been in, or transited through, mainland China in the past 14 days will also continue. These measures are all kept under regular review.

For further updates, and information about operations in Australia, contact GAC Australia at shipping.australia@gac.com

Additional pre-arrival information required
Friday, February 14, 2020, Australia

Australia’s Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment is requesting additional information as part of pre-arrival reporting requirements. Three mandatory questions will be automatically emailed to masters/agents on submission of pre-arrival reporting in MARS.

This is an additional document to the Biosecurity Status Document (BSD). The BSD will also include a direction that Masters or delegates must return responses to the questions no later than 12 hours prior to arrival in Australian waters. Responses must be sent to the Maritime National Coordination Centre (MNCC): maritimencc@agriculture.gov.au

The additional questions are:
1. Has the vessel been in mainland China on or after 1 February 2020 and less than 14 days ago? (Answer YES or NO)
2. Has any person on the vessel been in mainland China on or after the 1 February 2020 and less than 14 days ago? (Answer YES or NO)
3. Has any person on the vessel been in contact with a proven case of novel coronavirus infection in the last 14 days? (Answer YES or NO)

Further, any changes to the health of any person on board during the voyage in Australian waters must be reported as soon as possible, by sending an email to the MNCC (maritimeNCC@agriculture.gov.au).

For further updates, and information about operations in Australia, contact GAC Australia at shipping.australia@gac.com

Measures to prevent spread of virus
Friday, February 14, 2020, Port Klang, Malaysia

The following restrictions are in force at Port Klang to prevent the spread of coronavirus:

– Restrictions for entry into Malaysia for Chinese nationality crew/passengers/tourists from Zhejiang, Jiansu, Hubei and Wuhan province.

– Any vessel crew or passengers that have stayed at Zhejiang, Jiansu, Hubei and Wuhan province also will not allowed to enter Malaysia.

– Any tourist/crew/passengers that have stayed in Wuhan and Hubei 14 days before arriving Malaysia will also not be allowed.

– Any passenger or vessel crew of Chinese nationality are permitted to shore leave (except those from or who have visited Zhejiang, Jiansu, Hubei and Wuhan province) after a pre-screening health test by the Port Health Officer.

– Sign-on and -off of Chinese nationality crew is permitted, except for those from or who have visited Zhejiang, Jiansu, Hubei And Wuhan province.

For further details and updates, as well as information about operations at Malaysian ports, contact GAC Malaysia at shipping.malaysia@gac.com

Interclub Regatta
Friday, February 14, 2020, Gibraltar

Mariners, owners, agents and charterers are advised that a Round the Rock sailing regatta will take place on Saturday 15 February as from 1000 hours.

There are two possible courses which will be dependent on weather conditions on the day:

COURSE A: Sailing boats will be starting from the North part of the Bay of Gibraltar, west of the airfield. Sailing boats will then proceed south towards Europa port, round Europe point, proceed along the east side of Gibraltar to a marker buoy east of the airfield, they will turn around this mark and do the same return leg finishing at the south entrance of Gibraltar Harbour.

COURSE B: Will be from the Gibraltar Airport Runway buoy proceeding west to the Port of Algericas Fairway Buoy turning round and proceeding east to the Runway buoy.

Safety boats will be on working channel 17.

(For information about operations in the Gibraltar, contact GAC Gibraltar at agency.gibraltar@gac.com)

Source: Gibraltar Port Authority Local Notice to Mariners No.006 of 2020 dated 14 February 2020

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