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Home Environment Lessons from California’s Biofouling Management Regulations

Lessons from California’s Biofouling Management Regulations

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Lessons from California’s Biofouling Management Regulations


WOC Reaches Out On Lessons Learned Through Implementing and Enforcing California’s Biofouling Management Regulations: GloFouling Project Webinar, 23 April

9 April 2020

The World Ocean Council (WOC) – the lead GloFouling Project Partner for engaging the wider ocean business and investment community – invites interested parties to the GloFouling Webinar: “Lessons Learned Through Implementing and Enforcing California’s Biofouling Management Regulations”, 23 April at 5:00pm (GMT).

The webinars are part of the GEF-UNDP-IMO GloFouling Partnerships Project which is working to better understand and tackle the multi-sectoral challenge of biofouling and its impacts on marine biodiversity and the Sustainable Blue Economy.

The State of California adopted biofouling management regulations in 2017 for vessels arriving at California ports. These regulations were developed over ten years by the California State Lands Commission through a transparent, science-based, stakeholder-involved process to create a set of regulations that are protective, practical and that align with international efforts.

As vessels incrementally fall under the jurisdiction of these regulations based on each vessel’s dry-docking schedule, staff from the California State Lands Commission continue to provide outreach and education to ease the transition to this new regulatory landscape. They also evaluate responses to mandatory reporting forms and inspect arriving vessels to assess compliance with the new regulations with an eye towards identifying successful biofouling management strategies and opportunities to improve the regulations in the future. This webinar will highlight some of the key points and lessons learned from this continued analysis that can be very useful for other administrations, ship owners and operators.

Click here to register for the webinar.

Upcoming webinars in the series include:
• 21 April, 6:00 pm (GMT): Normativa para la gestión de bioincrustaciones marinas. La experiencia del Estado de California

The webinars are open to all participants free of charge.

For more information, visit https://www.glofouling.imo.org/webinars.


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