Online Seminar Salvage, SCOPIC & Wreck Removal June 2020
A 2-days seminar that analyzes the salvage and general average principles and explains the LLoyd’s Open Form (LOF) and the Special Compensation P&I Clause (SCOPIC). Through the seminar, participants will also get a profound understanding of the importance of wreck removal operations, contracts involved, marine insurance practices and recent updates. In addition, participants will get insight of the conventions and guidelines which are of paramount importance to everyone involved in marine salvage and wreck removal.
Specific Areas Covered:
- Principles of General Average
- The aftermath!
- Understand why wreck removal operations have become increasingly important.
- The impact of the Nairobi Convention
- What follows after the Costa Concordia?
- Insurance for wreck removal – who is responsible for what?
- Review wreck removal contracts.
- Update on recent wreck removal incidents.
- Places of Refuge – International developments and European requirements for ships in distress
- Examine the IMO Guidelines on POR and the EU Operational Guidelines on POR