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Markets remain “firm”; perplexed Geopolitics with Coronavirus spreading…

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John Faraclas

Markets remain “firm”; perplexed Geopolitics with  Coronavirus spreading…

The BDI (Baltic Dry Index) gained 18 points since yesterday and now reads 1,595 which is also 94 points higher since last week’s (7 Aug 2020) 1,577 points. The Geopolitical issues lead to war. Coronavirus stage two will be far worse than stage one as discipline evaporates and only penalties can save the day.  John Faraclas’ daily and weekly recap:

The Capes’ BCI was up 18 points going over and above the 2,402 point-threshold and one point plus since last Friday when it stood at 2,401 points. Volatility at its best….

The Panamaxes was the size that kept the BDI up; the BPI gained 27 points and now reads 1,824. On a weekly basis same was up 261 –  from 1,563 points (07 Aug).

The Supras’ BSI clinched 16 points  and now stands at 927; on a weekly basis the BSI was up 72 points from 855.

The Handies’ BHSI was up six at 491 and on a weekly basis up 21 from 471 points.

All in all an improved Dry market and let us hope we soon see same above the 2,000 point mark…

The Wets “grounded”; the last published BDTI (Dirties) and BCTI (Cleans) stood at 498 – minus one and 399 – no change respectively. On a weekly basis the Dirties were down nine points – from 507 last week  and the Cleans were up 49 points respectively. CAUTION.

The WTI stood at US$ 42.20, down 13 cents since yesterday and on a weekly basis same was… up 73 cents – from US$4.53 last week. CAUTION

On the Geopolitical front, MIGRANTS retain the top position. Numerous times we all wonder whom do we pay to govern us particularly in Europe… Shame to all politicians and diplomats involved for having Erdogan, the Turkish president calling a fast one on Europe.

In the faulty line from Gib to Afghanistan and from the Caucuses to the Horn of Africa -with its ten hot spots,  things get worse hour by hour with incalculable repercussions not just for this region but for all on Planet Ocean… The World War III in our humble view is on; end of the story!

Turkish president Erdogan and his neo-Ottoman “elite”, coupled with ultra-religious pathos and supported by warmongers will create total mess from the Balkans down to the Horn of Africa and from Tunisia to Basra… Bullying Greece and Cyprus, two European Union states and having the EU “condemning” this behavior with verbal and other excuses leads to uncharted waters and the people of Greece and Cyprus will go all the way out for war despite having regimes which are afraid to act being under duress by the superpowers, but Greek and Cypriot military know the way. In yet another incident two frigates nearly brought both countries to ignition point. The Greek Military are more than determined; but we must have the politicians too. There is nothing that Greece or Cyprus have to negotiate with Turkey, a country which is not a signatory to the latest Law of the Seas – boundaries, EEZ’s etc etc, expect to define the sea frontiers. Every island has its own EEZ which applies to super powers’ islands and same should apply to small nations too… NATO MUST also get involved but having said so its Sec-Gen MUST be impartial, the media too particularly the German ones.  Yes, Greece has 3,000 plus islands and that’s it; no grey zone(s), nothing in dispute. We invite those rogue leaders and states, diplomats and politicians to see and understand that like Greece and its plethora of islands – big or small, there are other nations too on Planet Ocean and so far NOTHING has happened. It is only because the Greek Archipelaga are rich in oil and gas that Turkey and its patrons want same and at worse they offer joint developments and rights there. NO GUYS, NO! “I am not sharing my property nor my wife”, as the maxim says. Expect mess in the region.

The Balkans follow suite with the above developments. CAUTION!!

Europe is trying to get its act together and let’s see what the German presidency will achieve including the BREXIT deal to be…

In Lebanon and in particular in Beirut, life becomes more than messy following the explosion ten days ago in the Port of Beirut.  CAUTION. CAUTION and we remind the IMO to do at random inspections in Ports so as to avoid another despicable massacre. This was NOT an accident, but a massacre waiting to happen! Use the pretext of ISPS!!!!!! Come on!!!

Israel bombs any region / country next to its frontiers which suspects and threatens its existence and will continue to do so. The deal accord with the UAE hopefully will lead to better days for the West Bank… Let’s watch this development, the third of its kind following respective ones with Egypt and Jordan.

Just imagine extended hostilities and a war breaking out involving the Suez Canal and a possible closure; what will China do? What’s in the mind of COSCO guys? How will they operate? Everything is possible in this day and age. It happened back in 1967… remember? It affected shipping, but some shipowners made a fortune out of this…

Wonder what’s next in Belarus following the election and the “departure” for safety in exile of the opposition leader Ms Svetlana  Tikhanovskaya. From Lithuania she might turn on the Baltic States – and possible others demanding new elections. CAUTION! Wonder whats in the mind of president Putin…

At the other side of the Atlantic it is the Democrats now who call the shots ! With Biden’s choice for Kamala Harris running as Vice President,  a very wise choice, let’s see Donald Trump’s response. Can he do it again?

Meantime USA and China sill a loggerheads over the Trade War and South China Sea…

Don’t forget today is VJ Day 1945 !!

The Panagia Erythiani Cathedral in Vrontados, Chios Island, Greece. Picture gratis Capt. Antonis Pitsilos

Tomorrow is also a big day for Christianity as all over Plane Ocean we observe the Dormition of the All Holy Mother of God.  Is is also Assumption Day, he Christian feast day of the Assumption of Mary celebrates the belief that God assumed the Virgin Mary into Heaven following her death.

… Assumption Day is celebrated on or around August 15 in many countries, particularly in parts of Europe and South America. A big holiday nicely affecting shipping. In the Greek Islands it is probably the biggest religious event with Tinos Island in the Cyclades having the most important event…

The church of the Dormition of the All Holy Mother of God in Paleon Faliron, Athens, Greece

Despite the Coronavirus mess, worshipers complying with the new protocols and rules pay their respects to the Virgin Mary.

Tomorrow Saturday is the big celebrations all over Greece and Cyprus as well as in all Greek Diaspora centers!

On the Coronavirus anathema things are getting sour. Expect lockdowns and total financial mess. Governments lack discipline and many will lose their lives. Youngsters too MUST conform with the rules and protocols. We are witnessing a huge change and only discipline can save lives. End of the story!

I am sure many will seat on the dock on behaving stupidly, and that includes politicians as well as their cronies that for a fistful of dollars kill people and endanger millions. With the second COVID-19 phase under  way and this time having the Southern Hemisphere in mess, expect the inevitable!

Viewers can see footnote in english at the end of this article

On another tone and note and following previous advise in this medium and elsewhere, Friday week the 21st of August don’t miss at the gardens of  the Anargyrios and Korgialenios School of Spetses the presentation of the Book IKARIDES by Francesca Kalyva.

 It’s about life in a girls boarding school at possibly the best venue on Planet Ocean. Be there at 19:30 and hope you get a big surprise too. Free entrance. Part of the AKSS Foundation events organised by its Executive Committee!

See the event’s announcement poster – on the left, with details and speakers*.

Have a nice evening and weekend but continue to remain on guard from actions emanating from Pirates, Terrorists, Criminals and any Business Hooligans whatsoever wherever you are on Planet Ocean.  Once again a big THANK YOU to all who really care for all humans – Doctors, Nurses, Seafarers, Dockers, Port Authorities et al during this Coronavirus disaster!! We repeat: Do please invest in Hospitals including Equipment, Doctors, Nurses and any useful means to avoid further disasters! Become more disciplined and care for the Environment too. Lastly: Education and Training for all to be able to tackle these disasters. Let’s work collectively together and NOT opt for a fistful of Dollars to restart the already collapsed global economy… which is in red US$ 260 (twohundredandsixty) trillion…


*Except the author, two former teachers of the AKSS College and four Alumni will speak …”elaborating” on the …”times” and “life” in a males’ boarding school… Mr. George Mytilinaios, father Andreas Koumpis – both theology teachers at AKSS with Mr. Myilineos being also a head master. Alumni includes: Leontios Portokalakis and  Antonis Mouzakis – both being members of AKSS Executive Committee, and John Faraclas; concluding remarks by Evangelos Hobitis, an AKSS alumni and president of SAAS – the Graduates of AKSS Club.


Uploaded   : 21:33 BST

Updated     : 23:45 BST

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