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Home HRAnniversaries More daily and weekly losses for the BDI; dangers for World Peace with dirty Geopolitics and a spreading Coronavirus

More daily and weekly losses for the BDI; dangers for World Peace with dirty Geopolitics and a spreading Coronavirus

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John Faraclas by Niki Paterakis

More daily and weekly losses for the BDI; dangers for World Peace with dirty Geopolitics and a spreading Coronavirus

The BDI (Baltic Dry Index) ended down two points since yesterday 10 Sept 2020 and now stands at 1,267 which is 95 points below last week’s (4 Sept) figure when same stood at 1,362. Geopolitics are simply dirty on all counts and on all fronts! Coronavirus, unfortunately is here to stay and we need a coherent global medical defense  policy so as to deter this anathema. John Faraclas daily and weekly recaps:

For a change, the Capes’ BCI was up 21 points to 1,839 points …breaking the “impulse”; 1,867 – minus 49 on 9/9, 1,818 – minus 49 yet again yesterday 10/9… On a weekly basis the BCI was down 121 points – from 1,960 on 4 Sept 2020. Add the fact that the 1,900 points threshold is lost and see what you get… Dry market’s most volatile index might surprise us all again.

The Panamaxes’ BPI was down 24 to 1,313; 1,370 – minus 44 on 9/9, 1,337 – minus 33 yesterday 10/9… The weekly loss was 160 points, from 1,473 on 4/9…

The Supras’ BSI lost six points and now reads 917; 931 – minus ten on 9/9 and 923 – minus eight yesterday 10/9. The Weekly losses stood at 36 points, down from 953 points (4/9).

Minus two points for the Handies’ BHSI now reading 560; 565 – minus  two on 9/9 and 562 – minus three yesterday. The weekly losses were nine points – from 569 on 4/9.

So all in all a falling / downwards Dry Market and CAUTION should be observed.

The Wets surprise surprise both on the up; the last published BDTI (Dirties) and BCTI (Cleans) stood at 459 – plus one and 467 – plus six points respectively. On 9/9 we had 447 – plus one and 464 – minus one points respectively. Plus three and minus three on 10/9 –  450 and 461 respectively. On a weekly basis the Dirties were up nine points from 450 and the Cleans minus ten from 477 points respectively on 4/9… Still very low and wonder if we see the 400 -420 points level what will follow…

The WTI was up 29 cents at US$ 37.29… On the 9/9 and 10/9 same stood at US$ 37.73 and US$ 37 flat respectively. On a weekly basis the WTI was down US$ 2.13 from US$ 39.42 (4/9), a very welcomed situation and let’s hope same remains below the US$40 for the benefit and well-being of 7.7 billion people… This is MUST!

On the Geopolitical front the MIGRANTS “managed” to retain the top position for yet another day as following the despicable but expected mess in Moria, Lesvos Island, Eastern Aegean Islands of Greece one can expect more orchestrated and pre-meditated events to take place. We have warned all of these happenings many years now and we presented in full the photographic exhibition of Mrs. Margarita Mavromichalis – the world acclaimed photographer at London’s Hellenic Centre back in November 2018 as The Message; needless to mention live reports and interviews… We have warned all, from governments down to individuals but nobody “gets” the message, particularly all these moron governments in the German led EU who on purpose ignore this scam by jihadists with the full support of Turkey’s president Erdogan; end of the story. Proceeding and burning down the entire Moria MIGRANTS camp overcrowded with 13,000 (thirteenthousand) people – whilst same was for only 3,500 (threethousandfivehundred), makes you understand the magnitude of the repercussions… It is a scam, an operation directed by Erdogan’s jihadists and many others. Add the fact the people on Lesvos and all other Eastern  Aegean Greek island like, Chios, Samos, Kos to name but a few had enough all these years… Same applies for MIGRANT camps in mainland Greece were the locals had also enough… Malakasa speaks alone…  Don’t forget a few months ago the mess at Evros River, which divides Greece and Turkey… Don’t forget the fact that the Turkish Coast Guard escorts and facilitates MIGRANTS to cross over to the Greek Islands as well as ramming the Hellenic Coast Guard Boats and perform dangerous manouevers for which we have referred from this column to IMOs’ Secretary General Kitack Lim to reprimand the Turkish delegation at the IMO!  We are sending a strong message to all politicians and to all involve to end this despicable and inhumane behaviour. Let’s be clear: Only a Naval Blockade of the entire Anatolian Coast of Turkey – and North Africa, with a Mandate and Rules of Engagement can save the day; all the rest are pure nonsense and time has proven we are verbatim right!  It is evident that Erdogan’s blackmail against all main leaders in Europe pays dividends… He blackmails NATO too…  Expect more mess… Those responsible, particularly politicians MUST resign forthwith. No excuses! In Italy too we have terrible incidents… the latest with the m/v Alan Kurdi operated by German humanitarian group Sea-Eye carrying about 156 MIGRANTS and being refused to berth in Italy of Malta… Let’s hope, as COVID-19 is there, that all will be transferred to another vessel and be quarantined…

On Turkey’s despicable bullying and threats against Greece and Cyprus, both EU sovereign states, in the Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean Sea, we had the Corsica EU Med Group, the MED7, which met in Ajaccio, with a declaration of support to Greece and Cyprus’ rights. French president Macron does his best and let’s see the final outcome. NATO and the EU MUST be absolutely clear. We are very close to hostilities as Erdogan’s to and fro tactics will eventually lead there. USA’s Secretary of State Michael Pompeo will be in Cyprus tomorrow; let’s see the result of his meeting there with the Cypriot president and his counterpart; a very timely visit! Let’s see Pompeos’ tactics in not just defusing the warring situation, but striking a square deal and Cyprus becoming an island of Peace together with its EEZ to the benefit of all nations in the region! Moreover we hope he works for defusing completely the situation between Turkey and all its neighbours; it’s not just Greece!

The 77th Anniversary of Kastelorizon’s liberation from the Axis powers in 1943 will take place this weekend in Greece’s most eastern territorial extremity. The Island of Megisti (Kastellorizon) will be visited by H.E Ms Katerina Sakellaropoulou, Greece’s president. We have our team on the spot and will report in full on the three day events there. Turkey wishes to see Kastellorizon disappear… Watch this space…

In Spetses, the Shipping and Naval Island of Greece near Athens , just of the coast of Argolis in Eastern Peloponnese the anniversary of the Armata 1822 event takes place tomorrow Saturday the 12th of September. A reminder of the Spetsiot sea-fighters winning over the Ottoman Fleet… A rare sea-battle… Long live Spetses!!

The Middle East might slide into mess again…

The EU is in a mess with the MIGRANTS, Finances and COVID. Add the row with BREXIT and see what you get….

BREXIT sounds turning sour; expect the unexpected. Can Boris Johnson change his mind? Ever since the BREXIT issue appeared we have warned of difficult times ahead as well as to expect the World o go round and upside down. A very perplexed situation…

Mind Belarus; things might get sour…

At the other side of the Atlantic we have the awful September 11 Anniversary of a despicable atrocity against humanity by a group of Jihadists… Time for the American Administration to take action against Turkey, Planet Ocean’s pariah state and avoid mess against the real USA vested interests in Europe, Central / East Med and Middle East from actions by the Turks. In Turkey thousands of Jihadists found shelter and being used against areas where Turkey wants to reinstate the Ottoman Empire, the Sick Man of Europe… The race to the Oval Office of the White House continues and intensifies… Mind Racism there as recent events spread…

Nothing changed in Central South Latin America; hings are getting worse. As Aristotle once said in his Nicomachean Ethics: “Nothing matters much and very little matters at all”

In the Far East we still have an explosive situ in South China Sea with China and the USA  still at loggerheads as well as a major Trade War… Silence from North Korea…

Mind the situation in Libya… be prepared for changes or a full scale all-out war with more nations getting involved… A decisive weekend is coming; CAUTION!

In South Africa, George Bizos, a Greek lawyer who defended the late ANC and South African president Nelson Mandela, passed on Wednesday. He hated generalisations and he had unique instincts! Get his life story; a very special story! Blessed!

Putin’s Russia works on another agenda… CAUTION!

Will Yoshihida Suga replace Shinzo Abe in Japan so we see the continuation of Abenomics; after all it seems that Suga was his most trusted policy lieutenant!

What’s up down in Australia? Rio Tinto’s CEO  is stepping down following criticism for the destruction of sacred Aboriginal sites – the famous Juukan Gorge rock shelters, famous caves indeed. Business Ethics please!

The Coronavirus (COVID-19) anathema continues to spread as well as to divided many societies not only with the Mask issue but with many more health issues but mainly with the way tackling this terrible health issue…

Have a nice evening  and weekend ensuring you continue to remain on guard from actions emanating from Pirates, Terrorists, Criminals and any Business Hooligans whatsoever wherever you are on Planet Ocean.  Once again a big THANK YOU to all who really care for all humans – Doctors, Nurses, Seafarers, Dockers, Port Authorities et al during this Coronavirus disaster!! We repeat: Do please invest in Hospitals including Equipment, Doctors, Nurses and any useful means to avoid further disasters! Become more disciplined and care for the Environment too. Lastly: Education and Training for all to be able to tackle these disasters. Let’s work collectively together and NOT opt for a fistful of Dollars to restart the already collapsed global economy… which is in red US$ 270 (twohundredandseventy) trillion…

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