Virtual UK Shipping conference announced
The ‘UK Shipping Conference: Creating Pathways to 2030’ will take place on 3 February 2021 and will be open to members and non-members of the Chamber.
The day long event will see executives from across the shipping sector come together, with a keynote speech from a leading industry figure. There will also be break out events for delegates to discuss issues affecting their business. Supporters will be able to sponsor rooms, breakout sessions and have their branding across the event.
The ‘Creating Pathways to 2030’ virtual conference will look at the key challenges facing the UK shipping industry. The conference aim is to generate pathways for the next decade which will enable progress to be measured towards safer and cleaner shipping.
The virtual conference will give delegates the opportunity to look at how the shipping industry can tackle issues such as environment, safety, people and technology with the focus on sketching out next steps around these key issues.
Much focus of the IMO and the rest of the shipping community has been on 2050 and long-term issues and solutions. But the medium-term must not be forgotten and this conference will focus on what is realistically achievable by 2030 and the steps needed to get there.
Announcing the conference, UK Chamber of Shipping CEO Bob Sanguinetti said:
“This brand new virtual conference will bring together the best minds from the shipping world for a day of high-level discussion and interaction. At the Chamber we are always looking for innovative ways to engage not only our members, but the wider shipping industry and we believe this virtual conference will do just that.
“We all know of the challenges the IMO has set for the industry by 2050 but how are we going to progress in the short-to-medium term? This is what our ‘Creating Pathways to 2030’ virtual conference will look at. It is imperative the shipping community turns its attention to what can be achieved by 2030 in order to reach our longer-term goals. I look forward to welcoming a broad range of guests from across the sector at what could become a regular fixture in the international shipping calendar.”
UK Chamber of Shipping President John Denholm said:
“The global shipping industry is changing and the new UK Chamber of Shipping virtual conference will focus on the journey the sector needs to go on to make sure it is fully prepared for the future. It is an incredibly exciting time for shipping but one with many challenges and the biggest of these is decarbonisation. By bringing together leaders from across the sector we can plot the path our community needs to take to ensure we reach our long-term goals.”
The conference opens opportunities for sponsors large and small to support the conference and enhance their brand. To register your interest in sponsorship please contact Tony Jerome at
Full programme details and ticket costs will be released shortly.