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Home EnergyAlternative Sources of Energy Dropping BDI – now at 1,637, shakes the Markets amid the despicable Global Geopolitical environment, and Coronavirus locks downs looming with unpredictable effects

Dropping BDI – now at 1,637, shakes the Markets amid the despicable Global Geopolitical environment, and Coronavirus locks downs looming with unpredictable effects

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John Faraclas

Dropping BDI – now at 1,637, shakes the Markets amid the despicable Global Geopolitical environment, and Coronavirus locks downs looming with unpredictable effects

The BDI (Baltic Dry Index) lost 95 points  since yesterday and now stands at 1,637 points, thanks to yet another triple-digit fall of the Capes’ BCI. It seems that Peace had its day and Armageddon will replace the Democratic, Just and Humane Values all over Planet Ocean… Advancing Coronavirus signals Mayday for all. John Faraclas’ midweek brief recap:

The Capes’ BCI lost 264 points and now reads 2,810; it lost the vital 3,000 points threshold as well as that of 2,900!!! The projection is that it will lose the 2,800, possibly the 2,700 points threshold; we shall see. ULTRA CAUTION should be observed!

Losses for the Panamaxes’ BPI with a double digit figure, although minor, but still questionable. CAUTION…

Two points loss for the Supras’ BSI now at 980 points…

Hooray Hooray for the Handies’ BHSI: an ace plus is an ace plus! At 599 “dreams” the vital 600 points…

Low levels for the Wets; the last published BDTI (Dirties) and BCTI (Cleans) stood at 412 – plus two and 350 – minus one point respectively.

The Container Trade picks up despite the three years USA – China trade War; that’s a bit of good news – much needed lately but remain on guard as sudden swifts in Geopolitics might cause turbulences

The bad news is the rise of the WTI at US$ 41.09 – that is 96 cents higher since yesterday. CAUTION.

In the Geopolitical front things remain pretty much the same; MIGRANTS, The Turkish aggression continues, Europe in disarray, with BREXIT still unsettled expect tsunamis… The USA’s elections must be properly watched, Russia’s agenda too as president Putin looks for a breakthrough opportunity to harm the West’s interests and hegemony…

All in all a messy plummeting Planet Ocean…

The Coronavirus anathemas’ surge and the lock downs to come as well as the uncertainty over the arrival of respective medicines and the Manna from Heavens… I mean the vaccine, makes things far worse than initially was anticipated by the hoi polloi…

Expect further surprises in a heavily bankrupt Planet Ocean, particularly these days with the worse ever Recession, and issue we have numerous times warned. Obviously there are threats and opportunities, something like War(s). War Father of All as the Ancient Greek maxim says: Πόλεμος Πατήρ Πάντων΄ as if you don’t destroy, you cannot rebuilt, and this is the pitiful message from history. We repeat this for nearly ten years in this medium and the writer since 1985 in the hope the newcomers in the site get the message. Just imagine the state of the Shipping Industry in the aftermath of World War Two; just imagine. The product of WWII was the long period time charters of the 50s, 60s and 70s to rebuild the demolished Planet Ocean, Europe in particular and secondary the Far East which “needed” two more wars, the one in the Korean Peninsula and Vietnam: both proxy wars for upcoming China and USA dominance…

A …full house on the small box…

On another one and note we had over the last 48 hours two events of the MUSICA Project on the Islands of Chios and Oinousses, a Public Engagemen and the Multi use Platform (13 Oct) as well as an Online session: What are the benefits of the Multi-Use Platform for the Chios Municipality? (today 18:00 to 20:30 hrs greek time. What an overwhelming participation that was, excellent moderated by Gordon Dalton, Prof. Nikitas Nikitakis, George D. Mantas and Simge Davultsu. Good points and interventions by Annie Getchell and Rosarii Griffin. MUSICA stands for Multiple Use of Space for Islands Clean Autonomy. Congratulations to Anna Maria Kotrikla, Assistant Professor, Department of Shipping, Transport and Trade, University of the Aegean for her organisational skills and valuable insight. MUSICA provides a full suite of Blue Growth solutions for small a small island, an interesting multi project for water and electricity.

A map illustrating the Wind Power House of Greece

We will revert with a full report when same is available. Representing the Chios Marine Club as a member of its BoD was a great Honour and we will do our best to promote via the allaboutshipping.co.uk the entire project supporting every single small island in Europe. The Chios Marine Club, its BoD and members are at the forefront for these and other developments, initiatives and projects and  supports same in a multiple of ways.

This platform, as the online event enfolded, supports nearly every basic need. Well done MUSICA and the Centre for Marine and Renewable Energy Ireland (MaREI). Watch this Space.

Have a nice evening  ensuring you continue to remain on guard from actions emanating from Pirates, Terrorists, Criminals and any Business Hooligans whatsoever wherever you are on Planet Ocean.  Once again a big THANK YOU to all who really care for all humans – Doctors, Nurses, Seafarers, Dockers, Port Authorities et al during this Coronavirus disaster!! We repeat: Do please invest in Hospitals including Equipment, Doctors, Nurses and any useful means to avoid further disasters! Become more disciplined and care for the Environment too. Lastly: Education and Training for all to be able to tackle these disasters. Let’s work collectively together and NOT opt for a fistful of Dollars to restart the already collapsed global economy… which is in red US$ 270 (twohundredandseventy) trillion…-

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