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Panamaxes survive Dry fall; despicable Geopolitical amid further Coronavirus lockdowns.

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John Faraclas

Panamaxes survive Dry fall; despicable Geopolitical amid further Coronavirus lockdowns.

The BDI (Baltic Dry Index) fell 14 points since yesterday and now stands at 1,283. On a weekly basis 133 points were lost (down from 1,415 points), once again thanks to the volatile Capes. Many are trying to “capitulate” on the USA’s presidential election making Geopolitics even worse and Coronavirus victim rise. John Faraclas’ daily and weekly recap:

The BDI lost both the 1,400 and 1,300 thresholds and wonder if we face a below 1,000 level… Let’s hope NOT!

The Capes’ BCI lost 28 points since yesterday and now reads 1,875 points losing the 2,200, 2,100, 2,000 and 1,900 points threshold; 386 lost points since last week’s 2,261. Tough times or a seasonal drop? CAUTION!

“Survival” of the fittest, or of the most “capable”, was this week’s outcome for the Panamaxes BPI now at 1,289 – down eight since yesterday, but 15 points plus since last week’s 1,274! Well done; what else can one say!

Minimal losses for the Supras’ BSI now at 949 – minus nine and minus 23 since last week’s 972 points…

The Handies’ BHSI suffered minimal loses both on a daily as well as weekly basis; minus three since yesterday and remains on the low with 591 points and minus six since last week – from 597…

Uncertainty and volatility rules the day and the fluctuations are monumental particularly for the Capes.

No steam left for the Wets, both in a falling mode; the last published BDTI (Dirties) and BCTI (Cleans) stood at 411 – minus five and 312 – no change respectively. The Dirties weekly losses were minimal – down six from 417 but the Cleans  lost 21 points – from 333 last week. CAUTION for both.

The WTI  ended the week down to US$ 37.35 which is US$ 3.58 below last Friday’s  the 23 Oct, 2020 US$ 40.93. Excellent news!

Too many issues in Geopolitics  will rock Peace and affect Shipping in its entirety. Still the big issue will be if hostilities spread  and many of Planet Ocean’s dire straits close to sea-traffic as it has happened in the past – see for example the Suez Canal back in 1967…

MIGRANTS still on top. Now we have even campaigners in the UK trying to halt the incoming wave of MIGRANTS from France. Appalling to witnessed so many losing their lives during the crossing… Don’t ask what happens in the Med…

France in limbo following further terrorist attacks yesterday… CAUTION! President Macron is determined to end attacks on French soil no matter what it takes…

The faulty line from Gib to Afghanistan and from the Caucuses down to the Horn of Africa in total mess, add  the 6.7 on the Richter scale earthquake in Eastern Aegean, north of the Greek Island of Samos opposite the Anatolian coast of Turkey rocking Izmir with 25 dead and 350 injured, and see what you get – expect this figures to rise. Devastation also in the Greek Island of Samos experiencing also a mild Tsunami. 

Turkey’s president “insists” in rocking Peace in the region –  Central / East Med incl the Aegean Sea, the Balkans, Middle East, South Caucuses –  and we must all be alerted, despite the earthquake and previous “earthquake diplomacy mode” with Greece that supposedly eased the tension between these two neighbours and NATO “allies”. Let’s see what happens over the weekend.

BREXIT still an unresolved issue; can we see the deal being materialised? On Wednesday or Thursday we might see were are we are heading. US$ 900 million in taxes, charges you name it is at stake affecting consumers everywhere…

The EU remain in a big mess…

Trump of Biden: in four days we will know, but at what cost for the Americans and the World at large…  The most odd campaign and election so far! Who will remember the 3rd of November in the years to come? Lets see also who celebrates on Bonfire night… Remember, remember the 5th of November!

China and the USA continue and will continue their tense relations for controlling South China Sea…

Putin’s Russia pursues verbatim its agenda…

Mind the coming up conflict in the Subcontinent between India and Pakistan…

Lets see what will happen in Algeria following the referendum vote tomorrow; and let us see how many will vote…

Coronavirus spreading and lockdowns are inevitable. CAUTION as things didn’t work out as the politicians and their cronies thought of…! Can anybody out there give us the real figure of how many cases we have? It is despicable in 2020 not being able to determine this…  The projections on halting and curing Coronavirus, although optimistic, might end in a time-frame disaster vis-a-vis the vaccine issue… and its effects. There are still unknown factors and same must be overcommed… We live in interesting times… The economy all over Planet Ocean will get worse as the pattern of life in these COVID-19 days is changing all the time. Think or better say, imagine the post COVID-19 period for humanity. The Shipping Fraternity has been disappointed by the way authorities behaved towards seafarers particularly with crew changes… whilst on the other hand everybody wanted to see the intermodalism’s chain work in its usual way…

On another note and tone we had the very important Prime’s Bunkersplus Posidonia 2020 Webinar about BUNKERS TODAY – VLSFO 0.50% solutions and will revert as soon as we have the full report. Congrats to Irene Notias and her team for this initiative, part of the Posidonia Web Forum Week 2020.

In the recent past we had spin doctors managing things in our ailing society; they have spectacularly failed. Wonder if influencers can take their place…

Have a nice evening and weekend enjoying the Full Moon – the second this month, and Halloween; above all ensure you continue to remain on guard from actions emanating from Pirates, Terrorists, Criminals and any Business Hooligans whatsoever wherever you are on Planet Ocean.  Once again a big THANK YOU to all who really care for all humans – Doctors, Nurses, Seafarers, Dockers, Port Authorities et al during this Coronavirus disaster!! We repeat: Do please invest in Hospitals including Equipment, Doctors, Nurses and any useful means to avoid further disasters! Become more disciplined and care for the Environment too. Lastly: Education and Training for all to be able to tackle these disasters. Let us work collectively together and NOT opt for a fistful of Dollars to restart the already collapsed global economy… which is in red US$ 270 (twohundredandseventy) trillion…

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