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Hot Port News from GAC

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Hot Port News from GAC

Port of Piraeus


Hong Kong

Hong Kong


Tasmania, Australia

Mackay, Australia

Mumbai, India

Taman, Russia

Kiel Canal, Germany


Temporary loading facility at former Kai Tak Airport Runway
Friday, February 12, 2021, Hong Kong

A temporary loading facility has been established at the former Kai Tak Airport Runway. The temporary loading facility will operate for a period of approximately 24 months.

Two dumb lighters and one tugboat will berth at the facility within the operation area bounded by straight lines joining the following co-ordinates (WGS 84 Datum) from (A) to (D) and the adjacent shoreline for loading operation:
(A) 22° 18.997’N / 114° 12.039’E
(B) 22° 18.954’N / 114° 11.995’E
(C) 22° 18.981’N / 114° 11.965’E
(D) 22° 19.024’N / 114° 12.009’E

The hours of operation will be from 0700 to 1900 hours. No operation will be carried out on Sundays and public holidays. Vessels engaged in the operation will stay in the operation area outside the hours of operation.

(For information about operations in Hong Kong, contact GAC Hong Kong at shipping.hongkong@gac.com)

Source: Government of the Hong Kong SAR Marine Department Notice No.31/2021

Unloading of bridge span from semi-submersible barge at Junk Bay
Friday, February 12, 2021, Hong Kong

For approximately three months, unloading of bridge span from a semi-submersible barge for construction works of the Cross Bay Link project will be carried out within the area bounded by straight lines joining the following co-ordinates (WGS 84 Datum) from (A) to (D):
(A) 22° 17.543’N / 114° 15.137’E
(B) 22° 17.388’N / 114° 15.410’E
(C) 22° 17.133’N / 114° 15.243’E
(D) 22° 17.288’N / 114° 14.970’E

The unloading operation will be carried out by one semi-submersible barge, one crane barge and two dumb lighters. Four tugboats will provide assistance. The number of vessels engaged in the works will change from time to time to suit operational requirements.

A working area of approximately 200 metres around the semi-submersible barge will be established. Yellow marker buoys fitted with yellow flashing lights will be laid to mark the positions of the anchors extending from the semi-submersible barge.

The hours of works will be from 0700 to 1900 hours. No works will be carried out on Sundays and public holidays. Vessels employed for the works will stay in the works area outside the hours of work.

Vessels engaged in the operations will display signals as prescribed in international and local regulations.

Vessels navigating in the vicinity should proceed with caution.

(For information about operations in Hong Kong, contact GAC Hong Kong at shipping.hongkong@gac.com)

Source: Government of the Hong Kong SAR Marine Department Notice No.36/2021

Incidents against ships in Singapore Strait eastbound lane
Friday, February 12, 2021, Singapore

Armed robbery against ships continued to occur to ships while underway in the Singapore Strait. During 25-29 Jan 21, three incidents were reported on board ships while underway in the eastbound lane of the Traffic Separation Scheme (TSS) in the Singapore Strait. The three incidents occurred in close proximity to each other and in particular, two incidents occurred within an interval of four hours. In all three incidents, the perpetrators were sighted in the engine room. However, nothing was reported stolen and the crew was safe with no confrontation with the perpetrators…

…In 2020, a total of 34 incidents were reported in the Singapore Strait; of which 30 incidents occurred in the eastbound lane, two in the precautionary area, one in the westbound lane and one just outside (south) of the TSS… …In 2019, a total of 31 incidents were reported in the Singapore Strait.

As the perpetrators of these incidents are not arrested, there is a possibility of further incidents occurred in the Singapore Strait. All ships are advised to exercise enhanced vigilance, adopt extra precautionary measures and report all incidents immediately to the nearest coastal State. Ship master and crew are advised to keep abreast of the latest situation (at www.recaap.org) and tune-in to advisories and navigational broadcasts announced by the littoral States. The ReCAAP ISC urges the littoral States to increase patrols and enforcement in their respective waters, strengthen coordination among them and promote information sharing on the latest situation, and the criminal groups involved in order to make arrests of the perpetrators…

(For information about operations in Singapore, contact GAC Singapore at singapore@gac.com)

Source: Extract from ReCAAP Information Sharing Centre Incident Alert

TasPorts receives VTS certification
Friday, February 12, 2021, Tasmania, Australia

TasPorts has received certification as a Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) Authority through the Australian Maritime Safety Authority. It is now recognised internationally as a navigational safety measure through the International Convention on the Safety of Life at Sea 74/78.

TasPorts uses VTS to manage the safe and efficient movement of vessels approaching and operating within Tasmanian port limits and pilotage areas, as well as providing information to vessel masters and pilots to manage ship traffic and scheduling.

The certification means TasPorts can now provide vessel traffic services to 10 distinct locations across Tasmania, accounting for almost 40% of Australia’s certified VTS areas.

For information about operations in Australia, contact GAC Australia at shipping.australia@gac.com

Works start on tug berth
Friday, February 12, 2021, Mackay, Australia

The Port of Mackay has announced the beginning of works on a new $8.5 million tug berth facility.

The tug berth project is the latest and largest in a series of significant investments totalling $17 million aimed at boosting the port for current and future trade and creating jobs as part of Queensland’s economic recovery plan.

For information about operations in Australia, contact GAC Australia at shipping.australia@gac.com

Berth decommissioned
Friday, February 12, 2021, Mumbai, India

JD 3 berth at Mumbai has been decommissioned from 11 to 16 February, to allow for matching plate replacement and fire line upgradation.

For information about operations in India, contact GAC India at india@gac.com

Port closed due to bad weather
Friday, February 12, 2021, Taman, Russia

Taman port closed at around 20:00 hours local time last night (11 February) due to deteriorating weather conditions. All ships unmoored and shifted off the jetty due to increasing swell of up to 2.5-3.0 metres.

Gale warning #14 in force from 11 February 13:40 local time. Expected SW wind 20-25 m/sec and heavy swell.

Adverse sea conditions are expected to be felt until the morning of Sunday 14 February.

For information about operations in the Taman, contact the GAC Taman at taman@gac.com

Chamber repairs and maintenance
Friday, February 12, 2021, Kiel Canal, Germany

The Kiel Canal Authority has advised that repair and maintenance works at the big north chamber at Brunsbuettel locks will continue until Tuesday next week (16 February). Some delays/waiting times are possible due to the works.

(For information about operations in Germany, contact the GAC Dubai Hub Agency Centre at hub.ae@gac.com)

Source: Sartori & Berger- GAC network agent

Port operations, movements & services suspended
Friday, February 12, 2021, Gibraltar

Gibraltar’s VTS Operations have advised that all operations, movements and services in the port were suspended this afternoon (12 February) due to an incident response.

For updates and information about operations in Gibraltar, contact GAC Gibraltar at agency.gibraltar@gac.com

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