Global tank container fleet reaches 686,650 units

ITCO, the International Tank Container Organisation, has published its 9th Annual Tank Container Fleet Survey. This year’s Survey estimates that, at 1 January 2021, the global tank container fleet had reached 686,650 units worldwide, compared to the figure of 652,350 on 1 January 2020, a year-on-year growth of 5.26%.
Reflecting market uncertainty during 2020 – primarily caused by the global COVID-19 pandemic – the number of tank containers produced last year was lower than in 2019. In 2020, a total of 35,800 tank containers were built, compared to 54,650 in 2019, a decrease of some 18,850 units over the previous year.
The complete Survey can be downloaded from the ITCO website
The Survey shows how, numerically, the industry continues to be dominated on a global level by a relatively small number of major tank container operators and leasing companies. The top 10 operators account for over 246,000 tanks representing over 55% of the global operators’ fleet of 443,100 units. The top 10 leasing companies account for over 250,000 tanks, about 80% of the total leasing fleet of 316,710. The top three leasing companies account for nearly 159,000 tanks, over 50% of the total leasing company fleet.
Commenting on the results of the Survey, Reg Lee, ITCO President, notes: “While tank container production in 2020 was lower than the previous year, there have been clear signs in recent months of a recovery in orders – indicating an improved situation in 2021. The figures in this Survey confirm that the Tank Container industry is continuing to expand, with shippers appreciating the “Just in Time” concept allowing them to increase or decrease their product being shipped to meet the ever changing pattern of their customers’ requirement and greatly reducing the need and costs for large amounts of static storage at either end of the liquid supply chain. At the same time, they recognise the safety, efficiency and operational benefits of this type of equipment. ITCO’s Fleet Survey is part of the work that the Organisation undertakes, to promote the tank container and to support its Members.”

He continues: “ITCO continues to promote the benefits of the tank container and encourage education and training – especially with the use of the ITCO E-learning Course. With staff at many companies unable to go into their offices over the past year, the E-learning course has proved particularly valuable for Companies to give their staff who are working at home some relevant training in key aspects of the business.”
Over the past year, ITCO has undertaken an active campaign to promote the environmental benefits of tank containers. A video has been prepared explaining the problems of single-use plastics and encouraging the use of ISO tanks as a more sustainable mode of transport
Reg Lee concludes: “ITCO takes the issue of plastic waste very seriously and is endeavouring to play its part in the reduction of single use plastic.The new generation of professionals also want to see that the tank container industry is taking a serious approach to the environment and sustainability. They need to see that the industry operates, repairs, maintains and cleans its equipment in the correct way.”