We are living on expensive climate credit, Euro area recovery and ECB response

Friday 26 March 2021 – Vol.12 Ed.12.5
Commentary: We are living on expensive climate credit
By John Adams in London
The past few years have made plain the need for global action on climate change. Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft, and Michael E Mann, climatologist and geophysicist, have both written books on this important topic in the last few months. While Gates prioritises reducing the green premium, Mann explores the potential incompatibility of the US political system with neoliberal economics.
Read the full commentary on the website.
Meeting: Euro area recovery and ECB response

Monday 12 April, 15:30-16:30 BST
Following the Covid-19 crisis the European Central Bank expanded their policies. As the recovery phase of the pandemic plays out, the ECB has a role alongside fiscal efforts to ensure a sustainable path back to growth in the euro area. Massimo Rostagno, directorate general for monetary policy at the ECB, discusses the monetary policy tool kit and response to Covid-19.
Register to attend here.