Bridging climate data gaps in Asia Pacific and beyond

Friday 7 May 2021 – Vol.12 Ed.18.4
Commentary: Asia Pacific working to narrow ESG gaps
By Dael Wilson in Singapore
Globally there is a lack of environmental, social and governance data and wide variance in the level of coverage. Regional ESG disclosure frameworks in Asia Pacific are not as well-established as those in the European Union and the US. While this is improving, it will take a few years to develop the datasets required for quality ESG insights. Reporting guidance is needed as we see a shift to mandatory disclosures to ensure the market digests quality data.
Read the full commentary on the website.
Meeting: Bridging the data gaps: An update on the NGFS workstream

Thursday 24 June, 14:00-15:15 BST
Fabio Natalucci, deputy director, Monetary and Capital Markets Department, International Monetary Fund, and Patrick Amis, director general, European Central Bank, are the co-chairs of the workstream on bridging the data gaps, set up by the Central Banks and Supervisors Network for Greening the Financial System. They discuss the latest workstream report, key findings of the research and latest developments on data usage and availability for sustainable finance.
Register to attend here.