COP26 in focus as UNGC gathers leaders at Nor-Shipping’s Ocean Now

A broad spectrum of key ocean stakeholders will descend on Oslo, both digitally and physically, on 1 June to discuss how accelerating the move to sustainable ocean business can help the world deliver on the Paris Agreement. The United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) has teamed up with Nor-Shipping, which is running the Ocean Now initiative on 1-2 June, to host the “Driving Ambition for Shipping at COP26” panel debate. With free live digital coverage online, the event will provide insights tailored to enabling both commercial and environmental progress, while building up to the UN High Level Meeting on SDG14 (Life Below Water) following directly afterwards in New York.
Challenge and opportunity
Nor-Shipping has organised Ocean Now to help the industry continue collaborating, connecting and developing in the run-up to Nor-Shipping 2022, taking place 10-13 January. With a unique TV talk show, The Today Show by Nor-Shipping, and hydrogen conference – Nor-Shipping Hydrogen Blue Talks – Fuelling the Future – already announced, the UNGC debate delivers further understanding and intelligence into the changing strategic direction of ocean business and opportunity.
“This is a vital debate, featuring voices that will help steer the evolution of our industry,” comments Nor-Shipping Director Per Martin Tanggaard. “There’s a growing appreciation of the importance of sustainable ocean business, but more needs to be done – and faster – if we’re going to stay true to the ambitious climate objectives agreed in Paris.
“With COP26 on the horizon, this meeting provides a perfect opportunity for a broad spectrum of stakeholders to meet and discuss how the green maritime and ocean transition can play a vital part in accelerating us towards a net zero future. There is a huge challenge on the horizon, but also immense opportunity for the Nor-Shipping audience. This will be an essential discussion that impacts upon all of us.”
Leading the way
The event is hosted by UNGC in collaboration with Nor-Shipping and UNFCCC High Level Climate Champions. Peder Osterkamp, Shipping Lead, COP 26, and Ignace B. Billecocq, Ocean Lead, COP 26, will introduce the debate with Sturla Henriksen, UN Global Compact Special Advisor, Ocean, moderating. Participants confirmed so far include Guy Platten, Secretary General, International Chamber of Shipping, and representatives from some of maritime’s leading international businesses.
Topics up for discussion range from investing, innovating and implementing new market solutions to meet the Race to Zero Breakthrough targets for international shipping, and enabling the ocean energy transition through increased adoption and development of renewables. The debate takes place from 15.00 to 15.45, before focus switches to New York and the high-level meeting at 16.00. Networking activity is planned for those attending physical Ocean Now events in the evening in Oslo.

Collective ambition
“The health of the ocean is essential for the future of our planet, but we cannot safeguard it without the engagement, innovation and expertise of the commercial actors that operate there,” comments Sturla Henriksen. “We are all connected by this space and we are all dependent on its health and well-being. Accelerating maritime’s green shift is a key part of the puzzle we face and we need real, collective leadership to solve it. I’m greatly looking forward to hearing the unique perspectives of this exciting panel at Ocean Now.”
All of the events on day one at Ocean Now are free to access with online registration at Nor-Shipping Hydrogen Blue Talks – Fuelling the Future, taking place on day two at Nor-Shipping’s Nova Studios in Lillestrøm, Norway, is a ticket only, paid-for initiative.
Ocean Now has been timed to coincide with the original dates of Nor-Shipping 2021, which due to the global pandemic, has been moved back to January 2022. The exhibition and associated activity programme will focus on the overall theme of taking positive ocean #ACTION.