Unlocking capital for women, Absa Africa Financial Markets Index 2021

Monday 20 September 2021 Vol.12 Ed.38.1
Commentary: Gender-focused bonds can build resilient communities
By Conrad de Jesus in Manila
When Professor Durreen Shahnaz first envisaged the concept of a structured bond to connect underserved women to financial markets, bankers and financiers advised her against using the words ‘women’s livelihood’. The Women’s Livelihood Bond’s overt gender lens may have been considered bold for the capital markets at the time, but it has since proven to be a hit among investors, mobilising more than $48m over three issuances.
Read the full commentary on the website.
Launch: Absa Africa Financial Markets Index 2021

Wednesday 13 October, 13:00-14:30 BST
Since its launch in 2017, the Absa Africa Financial Markets Index has shone a crucial light on the opportunities for investment in region. As Africa looks to build back better after the Covid-19 crisis, the 5th edition of the index is more important than ever. The index, produced by OMFIF and sponsored by Absa, records the openness and attractiveness of 23 countries across the continent to foreign investment based on six pillars.
Register to attend here.