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Home Banking Next steps for the digital euro and the Arab CBDC conference

Next steps for the digital euro and the Arab CBDC conference

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Next steps for the digital euro and the Arab CBDC conference

Friday 24 September 2021 – Vol.12 Ed.38.5

Commentary: Digital euro will be slow and difficult journey

By Katie-Ann Wilson in London

In July this year the European Central Bank officially launched its digital euro project, marking the end of the ‘examination phase’ and the beginning of an ambitious two-year ‘investigation phase’, with the potential to launch in five years’ time. This takes the ECB one step further than the 86% of central banks said to be researching central bank digital currencies. While this may sound superficially slow, there are multiple wicked problems to solve.

Read the full commentary on the website.

Meeting: Spearheading digital innovation and cross-border payments: the Arab CBDC conference

Thursday 7 October, all day

Changes in global trade trends and the decline of cash-dominated economies have bolstered the digitalisation of payments across the Arab world. However, payment and market infrastructures remain fragmented, making intraregional integration across wholesale and retail payments vital to supporting innovation and growth. Co-convened by the Arab Monetary Fund, this conference will discuss CBDC developments, the cryptoasset landscape and more.

Register to attend here.

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