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Mission Critical, Rolling Back Carbon Emissions

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Mission Critical, Rolling Back Carbon Emissions

Oceanology International is proud to be able to invite you to our Decarbonise Virtual Summit. A weeklong programme of in-depth conferences that focus entirely on reaching our net zero goals.
This pre COP26 Virtual Summit brings together the ocean science and tech community to deliver a value packed day of webinars and discussion.

The programme includes:
A Sustainable Ocean Economy: Thursday 7th October, 12:00 BSTThe move toward a sustainable and climate neutral Blue Economy, will have a positive impact on global economic impacts, technology innovation and investment. This panel will explore the current outlook and future challenges in areas such as energy, climate adaptation and marine habitat protection and the role that technology will play to further these goals.
We will also look at what this means for the future of the Blue Economy and our Oi audience. Live audience Q&A will operate throughout the session allowing time for plenty of discussion and interaction.
Prof. Ralf Raynor
 Chaired by: Ralph Rayner, Oi Technical Conference Chairman, Sonardyne International
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 Seabed 2030: Thursday 7th October, 13:30 BST
Seabed 2030 is a collaborative project between the Nippon Foundation of Japan and the General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO). It aims to bring together all available bathymetric data to produce the definitive map of the world ocean floor by 2030 and make it available to all. This session focuses on the project from a Decarbonisation viewpoint and distils what we have learned and where as a community we need to go in order to achieve the Paris Accord agreement.
 Chaired by Jamie McMichael-Phillips, Director, Seabed2030 ProjectRegister now
OSIG & Offshore Wind, the Changing Face of Offshore Survey: Thursday 7th October, 14:30 BSTAs Energy Transition gains momentum, industry incumbents will look at how the survey, geo-technics and OSIG sector is changing in order to keep pace with the evolving needs of Offshore Energy, and, the expectation of operating in a more sustainable manner.
Technology providers will join the discussion to share plans for delivering solutions for services and technology to the growing offshore wind user base to push this burgeoning industry forward in established and nascent global markets.
A Live Q&A will operate throughout between panellists and the audience.
Nadine Robinson, IMCA’s Technical Adviser on Environmental Sustainability
 With: Nadine Robinson, Sustainability Director, IMCA
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Autonomous & Unmanned Systems on a course for Net Zero
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Thursday 7th October, 16:45 BST
Focused on the ever-growing role that autonomous and unmanned systems are playing in more sustainable ocean industry operations, future opportunities, and technology innovation. Industry incumbents will provide an overview of this growing market looking at the active programmes, projects, and supply chain demands.
Technology providers will join the discussion to share plans for delivering solutions in established and nascent global markets. A live audience Q&A will operate throughout the session allowing time for plenty of discussion and interaction.
 With: Justin Manley, Just Innovation, Founder and Principal Consultant  Oliver Cervantes, VP Energy Market, iXblue
Register now We look forward to welcoming you to the event and enabling you to derive value through knowledge.

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