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Home HRAcademia Chios Marine Club supports Blue Schools project

Chios Marine Club supports Blue Schools project

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Chios Marine Club supports Blue Schools project

Capt. Antonis Pitsilos with Mrs. Irini Gotsi

 On the 21st of October 2021, Chios Marine Club and Idec SA proudly presented the Erasmus Plus project ΄΄Blue Schools΄΄ to a variety of Greek stakeholders. These included maritime companies, officials of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs & Insular Policy, secondary school teachers and journalists – all  interested in the Blue Economy and how it could be introduced to educational curricula.  The event was hosted at the Yacht Club of Greece in Mikrolimano overlooking the Saronic Gulf and the plain of Athens.

Capt. Antonis Pitsilos introducing the event

President of Chios Marine Club Capt Antonis Pitsilos welcomed those present and spoke about the importance of the Blue Economy for our country and for the coastal areas of Europe. He underlined the need to introduce this concept into our education system. Capt Pitsilos referenced the schools of Chios island which supported the implementation of the Blue Schools project. He described the experience of the Club in participating in a European project for the first time and how important it is for the Club to belong to the European Family of Erasmus Plus.

Mike Kasmas’,t he vice-president’s table

Afterwards, Mrs Irini Gotsi spoke on behalf of Idec SA, which is active in the fields of management consulting, executive training and the provision of digital solutions. Idec and Chios Marine Club participated in this successful project as partners and represented our country, Greece. Mrs Gotsi was pleased to list other partners from various Mediterranean and Baltic countries including Italy, France, Portugal, Cyprus, Turkey, and Estonia.

She described the objectives and the materials developed in the framework of the project and emphasised the free use of these materials through the website of http://www.blue-schools.eu/. All attendees showed great interest in the Blue Schools project and expressed their willingness to transmit its results to other stakeholders, so that it spreads and reaches other coastal areas and islands of our country.

Capt. Antonis Pitsilos with members of CMC BoD and Idec

The presentation was followed by a light lunch and exchange of views among the guests. All health protocols concerning covid-19 pandemic were observed.

It was the first face to face event that both organisations had the opportunity to present after the pandemic outbreak and the common wish was to enjoy similar events and effective collaboration.

More pictures from the Event can also be found on our Club’s Facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/chiosmarineclub/ but also on the Club’s website: www.chiosmarineclub.gr

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