MC’s incidence rate almost doubles…

Good Morning Monaco – Tuesday, November 23, 2021
Monaco‘s coronavirus incidence rate almost doubles
According to official Government figures, Monaco’s coronavirus infection rate stood at 198.17 per 100,000 on a rolling seven-day basis to Sunday, November 21. Seven days earlier…
Minister of State enjoys warm welcome at CREM
Minister of State Pierre Dartout spoke to an enthusiastic gathering on Monday evening at the Club of Foreign Residents of Monaco, where he spoke about the attractiveness of the Principality and touched on other topics.
CMB Monaco emphasises projecting Monaco in the World NEWS.MC editor-in-chief Ian Brodie asked Francesco Grosoli, CEO of CMB Monaco, about the bank’s involvement with the Monaco Pavilion at World Expo 2020 in Dubai…
A small pleasure for true connoisseurs
The second edition of the biggest Italian tasting of glazed chestnuts – Marrons Glacés – took place at Cova on Monday, November 22, at the start of the Week of Italian cuisine.
This Week in Monaco
November 22-29.