Too many opinions are confusing US inflation outlook

Monday 29 November 2021 – Vol.12 Ed.48.1
Commentary: US inflation debate creates unwarranted gloom
By Mark Sobel in Washington DC
Surging inflation has been front-page news recently. With the October year-over-year consumer price index jumping to above 6%, this is understandable. But the search for headline-grabbing stories and polarised US political debate make it hard for Americans to grasp a confusing picture. Gloom pervades, yet the 2022 US outlook is upbeat. Why the gloom? Perhaps the cacophonous US debate plays a role.
Read the full commentary on the website.
Launch: GPP 2021: Navigating uncertainty

Tuesday 7 December 14:00-15:30 GMT
Public pensions are at the heart of global changes relating to sustainability, geopolitics and international finance. Covid-19 and the uncertain economic outlook have further complicated these challenges. OMFIF’s Global Public Pensions 2021 seeks to examine the public pensions sector through these lenses, identify the key drivers of uncertainty and address the obstacles. Featuring contributions from international public pension funds, the launch will discuss the key findings of the second GPP report
Register to attend here.