The BDI falls, Dirties unexpected rise; despicable mess and hype by all on Ukraine whilst …Covid still around..

The BDI (Baltic Dry Index) lost 57 points as well as the 2,200 threshold and now stands at 2,187.Unexpected rise in Dirties with the BDTI up 179 points at 904. Hype and theatre of the absurd in Ukraine with Russian Forces smashing local defences in all fronts; a big surprise or a copy of the Afghan Army’s collapse? Something more than dubious happened. The Covid-19 anathema and its mutations “remains” conspicuously silent as all nations try to play a low key on the issue, but cases continue… John Faraclas’ brief recap:
The Capes BCI lost 192 points as well as the2,100 point threshold and now reads 2,000…
Minimal losses for the Panamaxes BPI now at 2,689 – minus ten points…
The Supras and Handies still “enjoying” a good time; the BSI was up 27 at 2,415 and the BHSI up 30 at 1,384 points; excellent!
The Wets on an upward mode with the Dirties, as mentioned in the preamble, skyrocking; the last published BDTI (Dirties) and BCTI (Cleans) reads 904 – which is 179 points plus – up from 725 yesterday over and above the 800 and 900 points threshold and the Cleans plus six points at 696 respectively.
The WTI was up 71 cents since yesterday and now stands at US$ 92.81.
The Stock Markets performance wasn’t the expected collapse many feared due to Ukraine… strange eh…
The Ukrainian issue is more than strange. Somebody has called a fast one on Ukraine, its people and its Army as the reaction and confrontation against the advancing Russian Army until now is spasmodic and seems there have been traitors somewhere in the system… Time will tell… Russia indeed has a well built up Army, but what about Ukraine having been trained by the West AND equipped by the West – it’s not a secret, yet we haven’t witnessed the expected resistance no matter if the country was encircled… Expect mess tomorrow… The West will not risk a WWIII and will not physically defend a Non-NATO or EU member. I hope and again time will tell and we are poised to find out that the Ukrainian army and reservists do fight as we have also heard acts of heroism from Ukrainian defenders and again: what if the Russians have a super army and super equipment… We all condemn this massacre which we foresee to eventually become Putin’s Pyrrhic victory; watch this space…
Ah! On sanctions: Sanctions that anybody can feel should be based on a Durra Lex Sed Lex basis… Did I hear you say Swift (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication) …? Do it then and see who isn’t mickey-moussing about… We are eagerly awaiting tomorrow to see these famous sanctions against Russia. These people have gone through 72 years of harsh Communism, so they cannot feel any sanctions, particularly low level ones. If you don’t do it excellent, don’t do it at all.-
We hope both sides avoid to hit ships and their crews particularly on foreign tonnage in Russian or Ukrainian ports, as this will bring the wrath of Gods against whoever does it. Ultra caution should be observed. IMO, ILO, ITF and all organisations and charities should address this matter to the combadants!!!!
Turkey’s aggression for its neighbours loom in the background and we MUST all see how this comes to an end…
China obviously has its own designs for global Hegemony and we should be alerted…
Expect a lot of geopolitical tutbulances…
Covid remains and we need to see some progress all over Planet Ocean on Vaccinations; a must to avoid deaths and complicated issues… We repeat that citizens must be disciplined and politicians responsible…
Have a nice evening and continue to remain on guard from actions emanating from Pirates, Terrorists, Criminals and any Business Hooligans whatsoever wherever you are on Planet Ocean. Once again a big THANK YOU to all who really care for all humans – Doctors, Nurses, Seafarers, Dockers, Port Authorities et al during this Coronavirus disaster!! We repeat: Do please invest in Hospitals including Equipment, Doctors, Nurses and any useful means to avoid further disasters! Become more disciplined and care for the Environment too. Lastly: Education and Training for all to be able to tackle these disasters. Let us work collectively together and NOT opt for a fistful of Dollars to restart the already collapsed global economy… which is in red over US$ 350 (three hundredandfifty) trillion…