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Hands off Seafarers

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Hands off Seafarers

John Faraclas

Hands off Seaferers

By John Faraclas

Given what takes place currently in the Black Sea and Sea of Azov, we demand here and now from the combatants to avoid harming Seafarers and or use them as pawns or even as human shields not just in this region, but beyond!

Ships have been hit, seafarers have been killed, others have been injured and others’ lives is at danger. Think of their families. We ask all of you to joins us today in a noble campaign all over Planet Ocean as things might turn sour.

The IMO MUST spearhead this and call a meeting but also reprimand those causing this despicable mess leading to loss of lives. Those responsible should be ousted from the IMO as well as from all relevant organisations, associations et al.

Spread this link all over and ensure the Combatants get the message or else.

Coming both from Seafaring and Shipping Families and given the fact that my late father was torpedoed in WWII and also many of our relatives perished, I know too well the feeling.

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1 comment

Dixon Maria March 4, 2023 - 7:34 PM

Don’t forget the crew from HEROIC IDUN in Nigeria that’s a tragedy 6 months there …. injustice … and everyone is quite……


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