Registration is now open for All-Energy and the co-located Dcarbonise taking place on Wednesday 11 and Thursday 12 May at Glasgow’s SEC. There will be a special celebratory air at this year’s event, for not only is the UK’s largest renewable and low carbon energy exhibition and conference being held ‘in-person’ for the first time in two years, but it is All-Energy’s 21st anniversary year.
Registration for the two-day event is now open at www.all-energy.co.uk/22 for all with relevant business/professional interests. There is seamless access between both exhibitions and all conference streams; and all exhibitors and visitors are invited to the traditional Civic Reception and Giant Networking Evening on 11 May.
Jonathan Heastie, Portfolio Director, Energy and Marine at RX Global, who own and organise the duo of events, explained:
“We will be celebrating in the way we know best, by staging a superb exhibition and a far-ranging conference. Being held six months after the UN COP26 Summit, and at the same venue, it is not surprising that we will open with a powerful plenary session devoted to ‘COP26, the Glasgow Climate Pact: Reflections and way forward’; Day 2’s plenary session will discuss and debate ‘A National Endeavour: Decarbonising the GB Power System by 2035‘. After both, the conference breaks into up to 11 parallel streams and seven show floor conference theatres (the latter feature nine sector themes over the two days). It is going to be buzzing!
“Over the years I have heard a great deal about the impact of the very first All-Energy held in deep snow in late February in February 2001; and year on year since we acquired the show in 2011 have experienced the incredible buzz and busy-ness on the exhibition show floor. I feel sure that this year we can expect a real sense of excitement. We are eager for all with fond memories of All-Energy over its first 21 years to share their stories at www.all-energy.co.uk/en-gb/lp/anniversary.html”
About the duo of events
All-Energy, with its strap-line ‘Engineering a Net Zero’, focuses on its renewable energy heritage and features a large exhibition hall packed with innovative solutions for the challenges facing every sort of renewable energy development at home and overseas (exhibitors currently come from 14 countries).
Dcarbonise, supported by the Scottish Government and Energy Saving Trust, and aimed at the end-user, has lowering carbon impact to improve sustainability at its heart, with exhibits focussing on the built environment in general and heat in particular, along with the decarbonisation of transport. The latter will see a display of low carbon vehicles and smart transport technologies.
As Jonathan Heastie added:
“Exhibitors are undoubtedly eager to get down to business at both All-Energy and Dcarbonise. As to the conference – I don’t think we have ever had such a large number of superb abstracts submitted for it; certainly, making programme production challenging!. Both exhibition and conference combine to demonstrate how eager the sectors we serve are to get back to ‘business as usual’ at the duo of events coupled with serious learning and, above all, face-to-face networking.
“How could there not be a high level of excitement after this January’s ScotWind leasing round announcement; work under way on the successful Round 4 bids south of the Border; and activity in the Celtic Sea too? Then too there is the phenomenal interest in hydrogen and the acknowledgement that renewables have real pulling power when it comes to generating electricity and in the increasingly vital need for security of supply.
“All-Energy conference streams and sessions will cover all forms of renewable energy (on- and offshore wind, solar, marine energy, bioenergy – biomass, biogas, biofuel and waste to energy; and hydropower) as well as energy systems, energy integration and transition, hydrogen, the grid and networks, energy storage, finance and funding, community and local energy and much more.
“The Dcarbonise conference will focus on the ever-increasing drive to decarbonising heat, the wider built environment and transport, places (from cities to villages), industry and the supply chain – all are covered over the two days. No resting on our laurels though, there’s much to be done in the run up to those milestones of 2030, 2045 and 2050.
”We look forward to seeing you in May!”
Looking back – and further information
Total attendance at All-Energy/Dcarbonise 2019 was 7,871 – including the First Mister of Scotland, the Scottish Energy Minister and over 600 other speakers over the two days. Between May 2020 and early October 2021, it staged 42 webinars which attracted over 25,000 views either live or on-demand and over 22,000 registrations. All the webinars are available at https://forum.all-energy.co.uk/category/webinars/
All-Energy’s major sponsors include Shepherd and Wedderburn (Headline Sponsor including sponsorship of the Offshore Wind conference stream and show floor theatre, the Marine energy show floor theatre; and the Cities conference stream), Natural Power (Power Club sponsor); Shell (Transport zone and conference stream and show floor theatre sponsor); Greenbackers Investment Capital (Finance and Funding conference stream partner).
It is held in association with the Renewable Energy Association; Highlands and Islands Enterprise; Scottish Enterprise; UKRI, Innovate UK and KTN; Sustainable Glasgow; and the Aberdeen Renewable Energy Group (AREG), with Glasgow as its Host City, and the Society for Underwater Technology as Learned Society Patron. Dcarbonise is supported by the Scottish Government and Energy Saving Trust. The decarbonisation of transport conference stream (part of Dcarbonise) is held in association with Transport Scotland.
Further information at www.all-energy.co.uk and www.dcarbonise.com