On Thursday 14 July, 2022 on a beautiful summers day and at the terrace of the IMO, nine amazing women whose important work has been advancing the position of women in maritime were recognized. This was at an event organized by WISTA UK: Saluting the Seafarer: Celebrating the Female Merchant Navy Award Recipients. This was also the first year that the IMO designated a day for women in maritime- 18 May 2022.

Ms. Monica Kohli, President of WISTA UK, kicked off the event by welcoming everyone and inviting them to enjoy the evening, saluting the female Seafarers. His Excellency Secretary General IMO Kitack Lim, then gave the inaugural address highlighting the importance of gender diversity within the maritime world and the need for the promotion of women in shipping. His Excellency thereafter presented the Female Merchant Navy Award Recipients with their Felicitation Certificates.

The merchant navy Medal for meritorious service is a state award within the British Honours System and is announced on Merchant Navy Day, 3 September.

The attending award recipients were:
Captain Susan Thomson: for services to women in maritime and diversity
Ms. Claire Womersley: for services to women in maritime and diversity
Ms. Fazilette Khan: for services to the marine environment
Mrs. Helene Peter-Davies: for services to women in maritime
Capt. Fran Collins: for services to the marine passenger sector
Capt. Jessica Tyson: for services to the careers of young seafarers & women in maritime

Belinda Bennet: for services to the promotion of the maritime sector
Captain Susan E. Cloggie-Holden (awarded for services to maritime diversity and inclusion) and Ms. Joanne Rawley (awarded for services to seafarer wellbeing and mental health), were unable to attend.
The ladies were felicitated by WISTA UK for their work and for being recipients of the Award.
After the award ceremony, Mr. Paul Butterworth, Chair of the Seafarers UK Board of Trustees, addressed the global issues faced on a daily basis by seafarers that the Seafarers Charity works towards solving and called upon the corporates to recognize the charity in their fundraising efforts.

This was followed by the inspiring words of Ms. Maria Dixon, CEO ISM shipping, who encouraged companies and people to continue the work of WISTA UK that was started in 1974, around a lunch table by a group of devoted women. She once again highlighted the importance of organizations such as WISTA UK and noted that although advancements have been observed, we must continue to strive for equality and representation of women in shipping.

The event was sponsored by: IMA UK, Quadrant Chambers, Waves Group Ltd, Ocean Network Express, Reed Smith LLP, Stephenson Harwood and Rightship. If you want to join WISTA UK – you can do so through the website: www.wista-uk.net/membership or email membership@wista-uk.net