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Home HRAcademia First Annual Matti Egon Memorial Lecture

First Annual Matti Egon Memorial Lecture

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Image courtesy of Dr Antonis Kotsonas

Lyktos, “the Most Ancient City in Crete, and the Source of the Bravest Men” (Polyb. 4.54): From Foundation to Destruction

Tuesday 29 November 2022, 19.00
Great Hall, KCL Strand Campus or online

By Dr Antonis Kotsonas, Associate Professor of Mediterranean History and Archaeology, Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, New York University.

Organised by the Greek Archaeological Committee UK and co-hosted with King’s Centre for Hellenic Studies.

Celebrated by Homer, considered as the birthplace of Zeus by Hesiod, and identified as the cradle of the Spartan constitution by Aristotle, the Cretan city Lyktos boasts an unusually rich literary and epigraphic record. Notwithstanding this record, and the interest of Arthur Evans and other renowned archaeologists in excavating the site, Lyktos attracted only small-scale fieldwork until the establishment of the Lyktos Archaeological Project (LAP) in 2021. The lecture will provide an overview of the history and the archaeology of Lyktos from its alleged foundation in the 12th century BCE to its dramatic destruction by its arch rival, Knossos, in 220 BCE, drawing from the first results of the LAP.

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