From dyslexia to Downing Street: Brian Reading, 1936-2022 By OMFIF editors
Brian Reading, who died on 14 December aged 86, a frequent contributor to OMFIF in recent years, was one of the most brilliantly incisive post-war writers on British and international economic and monetary affairs. In his OMFIF columns – ‘Global Reading’ – he lambasted governmental myopia, warned of coming stagflation, groaned at growing inequality in British society and campaigned for fairer taxation including a wealth tax.
Read the full commentary here.
 Self-regulation could cut through crypto quagmire By Howell Jackson and Timothy Massad There may be a simple and fast way to improve regulation of cryptocurrencies without waiting for Congress. The SEC and the CFTC could establish a joint self-regulatory organisation for the cryptocurrency market. Read the full commentary here. |
 MEETINGS Public sector bond market outlook 2023 Thursday 26 January, Launch This launch event presents the key findings of the first annual global sovereign, supranational and agency issuer survey from OMFIF’s Sovereign Debt Institute. It features a panel of leading public sector borrowers. Register to attend here. |
 ON DEMAND  OMFIF Asia forum: Session V: Digital assets Innovative projects at central banks and monetary authorities in Asia are assessing the viability of tokenised deposits, stablecoins and CBDCs. This panel compares projects and the potentials and pitfalls of these solutions. Watch the video here. |
 LATEST REPORT Future of payments 2022 This year’s report focuses on the challenges of cross-border payments for emerging market countries, delving into the validity of cryptocurrencies and stablecoins as a means of escaping domestic inflation and sending cheap remittances. Read the report here. |