Bathymetric survey operations
13 Jul 2023, Musaffah, United Arab Emirates
Bathymetric survey operations are being carried out in the marine area adjacent to the Old Musaffah channel (Khor Al Bateen) from 13 to 31 July.
Sea theft in Singapore Strait
13 Jul 2023, Singapore
Photographic evidence of the recent sea theft incident that occurred in the Westbound Lane of the Traffic Separation Scheme, Singapore Strait.
Port declared immigration check post
13 Jul 2023, Dhamra, India
Dhamra Seaport has been designated an authorised Immigration Check Post.
National Towage Enterprise Agreement approved
13 Jul 2023, Australia
Svitzer Australia has advised that the new National Towage Enterprise Agreement (2023) has been approved.
Marine site investigation southeast of Lantau Island
13 Jul 2023, Hong Kong
For approximately six months, marine site investigation works involving sampling of subsea soil, drilling of boreholes and cone penetration tests will be carried out.