The IMO CARES (Coordinated Actions to Reduce Emissions from Shipping) project is running a Marine Technology Global Challenge which will be launched via an hour-long online event at 10:00am (UK time) on Friday 21st July 2023. The Technology Global Challenge aims to provide decarbonization solutions for ports and/or vessels under 5,000 gt located in Africa and the Caribbean. It is open to technology providers across the world, who can participate in the challenge by submitting information about the benefits of their solutions.
Up to four winners will be selected by the judging panel, which will include academics and representatives from the Maritime Technology Cooperation Centres (MTCCs) in Africa and the Caribbean. The winning companies will be provided with funding (with $30,000 allocated to each of the two regions) to develop full proposals in collaboration with IMO and the partner countries. Funds will also be provided for installation and testing of the technologies in the participating regions.
The interactive webinar offers participants the opportunity to find out more about the Marine Technology Global Challenge, learn about the IMO CARES project, and to hear from the MTCCs about the challenges to decarbonize in those specific regions and the types of solutions that are likely to be chosen.
- Learn about the IMO CARES Project
- Learn about our GLOBAL CHALLENGE:
> Its focus on retrofitting domestic vessels and portside technology installations in Africa and Caribbean
> The funding provisions for the winning proposals in the Challenge
> Learn how our Global Challenge will engage with technology providers
> Learn about the work of Maritime Technology Cooperation Centres (MTCCs)
- Mr. Anton Rhodes – Project Manager, IMO CARES
- Ms. Vivian Rambarath-Parasram – Head, MTCC Caribbean
- Ms. Lydia Ngugi – Head, MTCC Africa
- Ms. Petra Ghassemi Ahari – Project Officer, IMO CARES
You can join the event here (registration required): https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYtd-6vrDsrE9IxNZ4st0rWkrbvEVJ2k9v5
A recording of the event will be available for those that are unable to attend at this time.
The nine month preparatory phase of the IMO CARES project (IMO CARES Foundation Project) is funded by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and will undertake all the preparatory activities to develop and design this long-term global programme (IMO CARES), including central coordination and a knowledge partnership mechanism to support the programme.