by John Faraclas
Devotion, Pathos and sheer Professionalism characterises George Christakis’ photographic career. A must to visit and study an array of maritime photography from an expert in the field on board the floating museum, the “Hellas Liberty” in the Port of Piraeus.
The private view is on the 20th of November from 18:00 to 22:00 hrs; entrance to the port from Gate E2.
The exhibition is under the auspices of the Greek Ministry of Shipping and Insular Policy and will last until the 5th of December 2023; visits for viewing between 10:00 to 17:00 hrs daily.
Christakis’ photo book on the “Lighthouses of Greece” a few years ago, is amongst the most favourite books and almost every Shipping office honours same. from day one supports art and in particular Maritime Art and Photography; viewers can have a tour and read/view a few hundred articles from international exhibitions by experts in the field.
The other day I was counting that I have attended over 1,500 exhibitions and 1,000 conferences of any kind in Shipping and beyond; I guess George Christakis’ record must be at least three times over mine. A record few if any photographers all over Planet Ocean hold!