Delivered by IMO Secretary-General Arsenio Dominguez on 26 January 2024
Chair, distinguished delegates and observers,
We are approaching the end of a successful tenth session of the Sub-Committee on Ship Design and Construction.
You have engaged in extensive discussions on important matters this week. To this end, we can all afford to pause now for a few moments to look back, with a sense of satisfaction, on what has been achieved this week.
I would like to single out, from among the noteworthy achievements of this week, the finalization of the draft amendments to the Guidelines on alternative design and arrangements for SOLAS chapter II-1 which now comprise goals, functional requirements and expected performances and which will ensure that alternative designs for ship and machinery match the performance of the prescriptive requirements of SOLAS.
Work has also started on developing goal-based SOLAS regulations to accommodate for traditional and non-traditional propulsion and steering systems.
In this respect, I commend this Sub-Committee for its role in advancing the Organization’s quest in developing goal-based regulations and guidance instruments, so as to meet one of the primary missions of the Organization: to develop the highest practicable standards of maritime safety, while also fulfilling the needs and expectations of a fast-changing industry that desires IMO to develop regulations that provide for flexibility in design.
Your Sub-Committee is, therefore, at the very core of the IMO expertise committed to achieving the goals of this year’s theme: “Navigating the future: Safety first!”
I would also like to highlight the finalization of the Action Plan that is intended to increase awareness, uptake and implementation of the recently approved Guidelines for the reduction of underwater radiated noise from shipping. Wisely, you have planned to recommend to the MEPC a three-year experience-building phase, with a possible two-year extension, to gain experience and develop best practices of the Guidelines.
Progress has also been made with respect to the revision of the Interim explanatory notes for the assessment of passenger ship capabilities after a fire or flooding casualty under SOLAS safe-return to port requirements.
I am also pleased to hear that this Sub-Committee has taken a proactive approach in addressing novel technologies by looking into remote inspection techniques for surveys under the ESP Code and I trust this Sub-Committee to develop robust guidelines addressing limitations and conditions for using the technology, which may be used as a model for a more holistic instrument.
All of this has been achieved under the able leadership of your Chair, Mr. Erik Tvedt, supported by your very experienced Vice Chair, Mr. Jaideep Sirkar, whose skills have successfully guided us all through your constructive interventions and relevant technical comments.
I also wish to express my sincere thanks to the Chairs of the working, experts and drafting groups we had at this session for their hard work. In particular:
• Ms. Bornemann-Christensen (Denmark)
• Dr. Ota (Japan)
• Ms. Poupaki (Germany)
• Mr. Theocharis (Marshall Islands) and
• Dr. Yoshida (Japan)
and to the coordinators of the correspondence groups for their commitment, good-will and cooperation to progress the Sub-Committee’s work over the past year and, most importantly, to achieve consensus decisions at this hybrid session.
My appreciation goes in particular to the Maritime Safety Division who led the preparation of this meeting and also to all of the dedicated staff of the Secretariat, who work tirelessly to provide the required professional support to meet your expectations. My thanks also go to the interpreters for facilitating seamless communication during our meeting.
I would also like to wish your re-elected Chair, Mr. Erik Tvedt, of Denmark and your Vice-Chair, Mr. Jaideep Sirkar, of the United States, all the best for the next meeting.
Distinguished delegates,
In closing, I wish you all an enjoyable and very well-deserved weekend. I look forward to working with you at the next session.