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Home Banking New Global Growth Tracker from Hamburg Commercial Bank 

New Global Growth Tracker from Hamburg Commercial Bank 

by admin
  • Forecasts for global GDP and inflation trends
  • US inflation remains stubborn

HAMBURG/GERMANY Hamburg Commercial Bank (HCOB) has developed a new Global Growth Tracker that forecasts the gross domestic product (GDP) of the current quarter and the inflation rate of the current month on a monthly basis for the US, the Eurozone (Germany, France, Italy, Spain) and China (GDP only). The tracker’s “nowcasting models” includes the daily, monthly and quarterly data of the respective countries from the near past, the present and own estimates for the future. With the HCOB Global Growth Tracker, detailed statements can be made about the origin of growth drivers.

“While the inflation rate is likely to remain virtually unchanged for at least the next two months, the US economy is continuing to cool down. This contrasts with a recovering economy in the Eurozone. However, inflation remains a problem there too,” says Dr. Cyrus de la Rubia, Chief Economist at Hamburg Commercial Bank. “With the new HCOB Global Growth Tracker, we are following economic developments virtually in real time. In this way, we can alert our clients to critical developments and opportunities at an early stage, including at the level of individual sectors.”

Please find here the current HCOB Global Growth Tracker.


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