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Home Associations Energy International Risk Assessment (EIRA) Newsletter

Energy International Risk Assessment (EIRA) Newsletter

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George Hatziioannou, EIRA' editor

George Hatziioannou, EIRA’ editor

EIRA’s latest Newsletter is out at the peak of Posidonia 2016; the best time to have such a report / Newsletter.

This EIRA’s Volume 4 issue IV issue, which among others, containes: Bulgaria ups the ante to become Balkan Gas Hub; Greece untaps TAP wary of the gamble; Israel unchains Levithan Gas field; In Zohr they trust – Egypt best on local alliances and China; pipeline dimplomacy in Asia: what is cooking? and finally: what if Trump wins, what looms for us long for Europe? must be studied in depth!

We begin with a letter from the Editor:

During his recent visit to Greece, President Putin underlined the fact that “Russia is focused on the diversification of energy routes to increase the stability of supplies and by extend Europe’s energy safety. Over the last two decades Russia has been a stable and safe supplier of natural gas to Greece”.

EU Energy Commissioner Cañete in a visit to Sofia said that “Bulgaria has the potential to become a key player in gas system of all Europe.The (Bulgarian) hub will allow the opportunity for various gas links,  including Russian”.

Does this mean that Brussels and the USA admit that TAP, IGB and the LNG terminal in Alexandroupolis are not enough to secure the energy
safety of Greece and the rest of Europe and that they are ready to accommodate the concept of the Poseidon project?

Greece, wisely, declares that it is open to all constructive proposals. But if this is true, what did President Putin mean when he said in Athens that “we don’t expect Herculean exploits on the part of Greece…”?

We attempt to answer this question in this issue of EIRA, which can also be found on eiranews.com.
Yours Sincerely,
George Hatziioannou

Viewers can log herebelow and read teh full EIRA’s Newsletter:

EIRA Newsletter Vol 4 Issue VI

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