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Home Environment Call for papers – 1st GEF-UNDP-IMO GloFouling R&D Forum and Exhibition on Biofouling Management Melbourne, Australia, 1-4 October 2019

Call for papers – 1st GEF-UNDP-IMO GloFouling R&D Forum and Exhibition on Biofouling Management Melbourne, Australia, 1-4 October 2019

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Call for papers – 1st GEF-UNDP-IMO GloFouling R&D Forum and Exhibition on Biofouling Management Melbourne, Australia, 1-4 October 2019

The IMO-GloFouling R&D Forum will bring together regulatory bodies, stakeholders and representatives from shipping and other maritime industries, academia, leading scientific experts and technology development leaders in the field of biofouling management for a comprehensive overview of this rapidly expanding area of research and development and technology commercialization.

This first edition of the IMO-GloFouling R&D Forum is a timely move that coincides with the increased global focus on biofouling as one of the main vectors for the transfer of invasive aquatic species. The R&D Forum will be an opportunity to discuss the main aspects of biofouling management in shipping just before the review of the IMO Biofouling Guidelines commences in early 2020.

Download Programme: https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/34a7be_c4dbda81918f44dca55a45bf2d3b9c6b.pdf

Call for Papers

Management of biofouling is a research topic of major maritime and environmental importance. Together with ships’ ballast water and aquaculture, biofouling is one of the main culprits in the spread of non-indigenous marine species. Invasive species in marine and coastal environments are a threat to native biodiversity and productivity of the marine ecosystem. Non-indigenous and invasive species – even in very remote coastal areas – are now seemingly the norm rather than the exception.

We invite abstracts for the following topics:​

  • Risks related to marine invasive and non-indigenous species in developing countries
  • Impacts and management approaches for biofouling in aquaculture
  • Impacts and management approaches for biofouling in offshore and ocean energy structures
  • Impacts and management approaches for recreational sailing, yachts and marinas
    Requirements & submission

The extended abstract should be written in English, with maximum length of 250 words. The abstract should include objectives, results and conclusions.

Please submit your abstract by email to: glofouling@imo.org

​An International Scientific Committee of renowned experts will review and select the papers that will finally be presented during the Forum.

Deadline for submissions: 15 August 2019.

Authors will be notified of the acceptance by 31 August 2019.
The full paper should be submitted by 31 October 2019 for inclusion in the Forum proceedings.

Since a large number of abstracts are expected to be submitted to this IMO-GloFouling flagship event, the deadlines will be strictly followed.

Contact Information, Natasha Brown Media and Communications Officer IMO, +44 (0)20 7587 3274 Nbrown@imo.org

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