Monaco’s first sea shuttle close to reality; 11th coronavirus-related death…plus more

Monaco’s first sea shuttle close to reality
There has been talk for some considerable time of a shuttle service bringing commuters from Cap d’Ail to Port Hercule, but while that project remains little more than a Mediterranean mirage…
One more coronavirus positive patient dies at CHPG
An eleventh resident has died after testing positive for coronavirus, the Government announced on Thursday evening. The latest victim was 79.
‘Moped menace’ to be curtailed from Monday From Monday, February 1, moped users in France will no longer be able to filter through multi-lane traffic following a four-year study in 11 French Departments.
Paula takes over at Princess Grace Irish Library
Paula Farquharson-Blengino could not be better qualified to take over from Judith Gantley at the head of the prestigious and very special Princess Grace Irish Library.
DULY NOTED: France’s President Macron is expected to announce a tightening of coronavirus regulations at the weekend. NEWS.MC will update you.