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Home ShipmanagementFlags Applied Satellite Technology Becomes First Authorized Iridium® GMDSS Service Provider for Liberian Flagged Vessels

Applied Satellite Technology Becomes First Authorized Iridium® GMDSS Service Provider for Liberian Flagged Vessels

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Applied Satellite Technology Becomes First Authorized Iridium® GMDSS Service Provider for Liberian Flagged Vessels

MCLEAN, VA., May 13, 2021 – Iridium Communications Inc. is proud to announce that partner Applied Satellite Technology (AST), a leading provider of maritime satellite communications solutions, has become the first authorized Iridium Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) service provider for Liberian flagged vessels. The Liberian Flag recently approved Iridium GMDSS to be used in all of Sea Area A4 for Liberian vessels, ensuring safety at sea where the alternative satellite GMDSS system does not work.

The Liberian Registry has earned international respect for its dedication to flagging the world’s safest and most secure vessels. The Registry has experienced significant growth throughout its history and is recognized as the world’s fastest growing major open registry, with 12% of the world’s ocean-going fleet and over 4,500 vessels, making it the second largest Flag. With the adoption of Iridium GMDSS, Liberian flagged vessels now have access to the world’s first truly global maritime emergency and distress service, ensuring access to safety communications no matter where they sail.

The ability to utilize Iridium GMDSS is particularly valuable for Liberian flag non-SOLAS vessels such as fishing vessels, recreational boats, and leisure yachts. Iridium GMDSS uniquely combines Distress Alert, Safety Voice, and Maritime Safety Information (MSI) in one terminal. With cost-effective, small-form-factor hardware, Iridium has made GMDSS now more accessible to smaller vessels that may not have otherwise been able to afford the equipment.

“The Liberian Registry offers the highest-quality standards for innovative services and safety, making Iridium GMDSS a natural fit,” says Bryan Hartin, executive vice president of sales and marketing at Iridium. “As one of the first companies in the industry to provide Iridium’s truly global satellite GMDSS service to mariners, AST continues to be a leader in enhancing safety at sea.”

To learn more about Iridium GMDSS, please visit www.iridium.com/GMDSS

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