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Home ShipmanagementClassification Societies NAPA Logbook awarded DNV type approval for MARPOL electronic record keeping

NAPA Logbook awarded DNV type approval for MARPOL electronic record keeping

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NAPA Logbook awarded DNV type approval for MARPOL electronic record keeping

Approval of the world’s leading electronic logbook will accelerate unparalleled time savings and insights for ship owners, enabling greater data collection, quality control and better recording across the industry

Helsinki, Finland – 14 January 2022 –  NAPA, the leading maritime software, services, and data analysis provider, has announced that it has been awarded type approval certification by leading classification society DNV for NAPA Logbook’s MARPOL electronic record keeping. The approval follows the implementation of MARPOL Annex I, II, V, VI and the NOx Technical Code and will support the shipping industry’s transition from traditional hard copy record books to electronic record books. The NAPA Logbook can replace all paper logbooks and meets the data requirements set out by the MARPOL and NOx Technical Code amendments. 

The DNV approval is significant in that it will streamline and quicken the approval process, as electronic logbooks are subject to approval by flag states and require notable validation. In turn, this approval process will increase the accessibility of the NAPA Logbook for owners and operators, allowing them to secure the time savings, data validation and data sharing benefits required to unlock more efficient, modern operations. 

For example, by switching to NAPA Logbook, owners and operators can reduce the administrative burden associated with paper record keeping, saving a significant amount of a crew’s administrative time. By resolving the challenges associated with duplicated reporting and achieving fewer errors through automated data collection, the NAPA Logbook provides a rigorous backup system for all recorded data. 

As the world’s leading electronic logbook, NAPA Logbook has been in service on vessels for over a decade. Currently, NAPA Logbook has more than 8,000 users and is approved by more than 20 major flag states. 

Jussi Siltanen, Senior Product Manager, Safety Solutions at NAPA, commented: “We are proud to have been awarded DNV type approval for our NAPA Logbook. By increasing the accessibility of our software to owners and operators around the world, we will be better enabled to support shipping’s digital transformation. The benefits of using electronic logbooks instead of paper for the industry, for owners and operators and for crew are undeniable and the approval of our leading logbook will help drive the transition.”

Jan Tore Grimsrud, Head of Section for Bridge & Control Systems, DNV, said: “We fully support shipping’s transition to electronic record keeping and are therefore pleased to announce our approval for the NAPA Logbook. The improved data insights and time benefits secured via switching from paper to electronic will be fundamental in streamlining the shipping industry’s processes and implementing greater quality control. This is in line with DNV’s general digitalization initiatives, and we can say that the NAPA Logbook stood up to rigorous testing and will serve as a benchmark in the industry for electronic record books.”

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