Εxtensive was the participation of members of the Hellenic Marine Environment Protection Association – HELMEPA in the 40th annual General Assembly (Tuesday, 29 November 2022), during which the actions and the financial operation of the Association for the year 2021 were presented and unanimously approved.
Following, the election procedure for the new Board of Directors took place and the day after (Wednesday, 30th November), the Board of Directors was composed, as follows:
Semiramis Paliou Chairperson
John Xylas Vice Chairman
George Karageorgiou Vice Chairman
Irene Daifas General Secretary
George Kallianis Special Secretary
Aristides Pittas Treasurer
Kalli Livanos Deputy Treasurer
Athanassios Beis Member
Michalis Dalacouras Member
Andreas Giakoumelos Member
Maria Hajioannou Member
Fragkiskos Kanellakis Member
Ioanna Martinou Member
Christos Ntegiannis Member
Milena Pappas Member
Eleni Polychronopoulou Member
Theodosis Stamatellos Member
Panagiotis Zachariadis Member
The General Secretary of the Panhellenic Seamen’s Federation, Mr. Emmanouil Tsikalakis, participates in the Board of Directors ex officio, according to the articles of the Association.

HELMEPA Chairperson, Ms. Semiramis Paliou, stated “I am honored to serve HELMEPA from the position of the Chairperson and I want to express my joy for being provided the opportunity to participate again with an active role. I wish to thank the existing members of the Board of Directors for their important contribution and welcome the new members, expressing my enthusiasm for the high caliber of the new team. Altogether, we will continue with passion and selflessness the long-standing work of HELMEPA, in the quest for sustainable development and the protection of the seas”.
In 2022, HELMEPA members include 296 member companies, 2,142 vessels and 14,000+ seafarers.
We sincerely thank our supporting member Grand Hyatt for kindly providing the venue auditorium.