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Home ShipmanagementClassification Societies DNV GL launches new global brand…

DNV GL launches new global brand…

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Henrik O. Madsen, President & CEO, DNV GL Group.

Henrik O. Madsen, President & CEO, DNV GL Group.

DNV GL launches new global brand, Stuart D. Brewer writes:

16.12.2013 “In defining our new identity as DNV GL, our company’s vision of making a ‘global impact for a safe and sustainable future’ has never been more relevant than it is today, ” says Henrik O. Madsen, President & CEO, DNV GL Group. “The new brand that we launch today reflects our broader service offering aimed at enabling our customers to make the world safer, smarter and greener.”

The merger of DNV and GL in September this year, led to the creation of DNV GL, a world leading ship and offshore classification society, a leading independent service provider in the oil and gas sector, a powerhouse in energy and renewables, and one of the world’s top three certification bodies.

“Businesses are facing increasing technological, regulatory, social and operational challenges, in a world that is becoming ever more complex. While at the same time, stakeholders are demanding greater accountability and transparency. To be confident they are making the right choices, both businesses and governments need an independent partner they can trust to empower their decisions, ” says Group CEO Madsen.

A broader view
As a foundation for this, DNV GL is making a significant and continuous investment in strategic research and development. Innovative projects are taking technology and standards to new, advanced levels in collaboration with our customers.
“It was from this broader view that our new brand strategy of our expansive, expert services and customer enablement was created. The new visual identity with the three extended lines was created to symbolize our working context of sea, land and sky, ” explains Stefan Nerpin, Group Chief Communications Officer of DNV GL.

Created from two highly respected companies whose parallel histories span almost 150 years, Nerpin is confident that the new DNV GL will “offer the businesses we serve much-needed benefits in terms of technical insight, risk management and knowledge transfer, ” he says, adding, “With our combined capabilities, more than 16.000 professionals are bridging technological and operational expertise to the greater goal of creating a safer and more sustainable society. DNV GL is able to offer this broader view across more than 100 countries, sharing our expertise and bringing best practices to our customers around the world.”

A merger for growth
The post-merger integration is progressing well and Group CEO Henrik O. Madsen says the new global entity is in “a good position to take on the first full year of operations as one company with a new brand; DNV GL. We want to build upon the knowledge and expertise throughout the group by creating new networks and learning from each other. Our goal is to make sure that we are always finding innovative solutions that create value and growth for our customers, ensuring that the world we leave behind is a better one that the one we find today, ” he concludes.

DNV GL in brief:
• DNV GL’s objective is to safeguard life, property and the environment. Organised in four business areas: Maritime, Oil & Gas, Energy and Business Assurance
• Offers ship and offshore classification, certification and verification in addition to software services and advisory services
• Mainly works within the maritime, oil & gas and energy industries
• Also offers certification and sustainability advisory services to a large number of other industries worldwide
• The group currently invests about 5% of its total revenues in strategic research & innovation
• Headquartered at Høvik outside Oslo, Norway
• DNV GL employs around 16, 000 people in some 100 countries
• The DNV Foundation owns 63.5 per cent of DNV GL, while Mayfair owns 36.5 per cent.

__________ (1)The new DNV GL identity

The new logo refers to our heritage through the wordmark DNV GL and the blue and green colours, while pointing clearly to the future. The three coloured lines in the new DNV GL logo represent the company’s working context: sea, land, sky. Through the perspective of looking towards the land from the sea, it refers to the maritime/offshore origin of DNV and GL and the link to its extensive onshore expertise. The extended lines represent DNV GL’s expansive, expert approach, where we seek the broader view of business, industry and societal issues and how they are connected. All to help our customers make the world safer, smarter and greener.

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