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Home MarketsStock Markets Pharmaq lists its first bond issue on Oslo Børs

Pharmaq lists its first bond issue on Oslo Børs

by admin

oslo bors22/12/2014 – Salar BidCo AS (Pharmaq) lists its first bond issue on Oslo Børs today.

Pharmaq is a leading pharmaceutical company specializing in aquaculture. The Salar Bidco group was established following the acquisition of the Pharmaq group by funds advised by Permira.

The bond loan that is admitted to listing today –  Salar BidCo AS 14/19 FRN C – is an issue of NOK 725 million with a floating interest rate of 3 month NIBOR + 4, 5 %, with maturity in March 2019. Pareto Securites is the manager for the issue.

The Norwegian fixed income market is growing strongly. Companies have raised more loan capital on the Oslo Børs fixed income marketplaces this year than ever before. In November alone, companies raised NOK 27.9 billion in loan capital from new bond issues and increases to existing issues. So far this year, the volume of new issues, excluding issues by the Norwegian government, has reached NOK 296.8 billion. This is NOK 17.1 billion more than the record of NOK 279.6 billion set last year.

This strong growth is related to the increasing number of companies choosing to have their fixed income securities listed on the Oslo Børs marketplaces. So far this year, the number of issues listed has increased by 123 to 1, 693, and at the same time the total value of fixed income securities has increased by NOK 92 billion to NOK 1, 506 billion.

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