Good Morning Monaco Saturday, December 7, 2024 Monaco reinforces efforts in fight against money laundering and corruption Monaco’s Coordination and Monitoring Committee for the national strategy to combat money laundering,…
The International Maritime Organization (IMO) is developing training requirements to combat bullying and harassment, including sexual harassment, in the maritime sector. Opening a joint meeting between the IMO and the International…
Good Morning Monaco Tuesday, January 16, 2024 Bullying hotline now in operation The Prince’s Government announced on Monday, January 15, that a telephone… Young Turkish team wins Optimist Team event…
Facial recognition, AI use, to be enshrined in law Monaco’s police force has been using the Principality’s 1,000 CCTV cameras for many years to check… Coming soon: A bullying hotline…
Good Morning Monaco Friday, November 11, 2022 Monaco’s economy turns the page on pandemicThe Principality’s Gross Domestic Product figures for the year 2021 published on Thursday, November 10, in the…
American Club Member Alert (August 3, 2022) re – Good Catch update – Animations – Human Factors: Bullying and Harassment
AUGUST 3, 2022GOOD CATCH UPDATE: ANIMATIONS – HUMAN FACTORS: BULLYING AND HARASSMENT Bullying and harassment on board a vessel may lead to serious consequences for offenders and can negatively impact both the vessel’s operation…
IMO Council endorses new joint IMO/ILO Working Group on seafarer issues including bullying, harassment (including sexual harrasment) and sexual assault
During the 127th session of the IMO Council (C 127) held virtually from 11 to 15 July 2022, the Council endorsed the establishment of a standing Joint International Labour Organization (ILO)/IMO Tripartite Working Group…
IMO Prioritizes STCW training provisions addressing bullying and harassment in the maritime sector
Model Course development and IMO/ILO tripartite working group formed to progress solutions At a recent meeting of the International Maritime Organization’s Maritime Safety Committee (MSC), the interests of the people…
MHSS reports surge in calls from struggling Seafarers Calls to Mental Health Support Services (MHSS) from seafarers who are really struggling to cope has soared by 60% in recent months,…
SHIPOWNERS AND SEAFARERS’ UNIONS TEAM UP TO LAUNCH NEW GUIDANCE ON THE ELIMINATION OF HARASSMENT AND BULLYING Maritime employers and seafarers’ unions have joined forces to publish new international ‘Guidance…